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Updated: August 10, 2024

Mama always says: 'Wait 'fore you 'cuse anyone, but I didn't wait. I just 'cused him as hard as I could, and NOW I'm sorry." "Oh, you're a trump, Dollie," said Rob. "Is a 'trump' a nice thing to be?" questioned the wee girl. "The best thing in the world," Rob declared laughing.

"Yes, honey, I am Mam' Dyce, and if I am spared, I will try to save your'n. That is what has brung me here. You are 'cused of the robb'ry and the murder, and you have denied it in the court; but chile, the lie-yers are aworking day and night fur to hang you, and little is made of much, on your side, and much is spun out of little, on theirn.

If I'd 'cused her wrongly I shouldn't wonder at her getting mad; but I hadn't, and she couldn't deny it. The forks were dirty too; at least I showed her six that were." Without any comment Kitty left the room and descended to the kitchen.

You see I was a little shaver in dem days, an' masta liked my Congo straction, an' petted me a heap, an' I never seed the cotton-field till my ole masta died; den dey put me out ob de house, because Mass Jack Dillard's father dat was my ole mistis's own step-brother's secon' son he 'cused me ob stealin' his gole pencil-case wrongfully like I had any use fur his writin' 'tensils!"

You has accused somebody of taking that article, but you ’cused de wrong person. The light-haired girl is who’s got that article. Can’t help it, my son, must tell youde light-haired girl is de person. Mebbe she’s put it back, my son, I’ll see.”

Miss Everdene, my opinion may be too forcibly let out to please you, and, for the matter of that, too insignificant to convince you, but surely it is honest, and why can't it be ex- cused? " "Because it it isn't a correct one." she femininely murmured. "O, fie fie-! Am I any worse for breaking the third of that Terrible Ten than you for breaking the ninth?"

"In co'hse I nevah done it," explained the preacher, "I had some hawgs of mah own. Mah hawgs had an under-bit an' an ovah-bit in dere eahs, an' de ones I's 'cused o' stealin', dey had only an ovah-bit. But heah dey's got me, holdin' me foh de pen."

"When I found it I wondered why he hadn't sold it when he was hard up, which was often 'nough, goodness knows, but after I hid it, he said he'd kept holdin' on to it fer the time when he'd need the money more, but I think he was 'fraid ter sell it. Knowin' 'twa'n't his'n, he thought he might git 'cused er hevin' stolen it."

She comes over to the store, too, along of Moore an' Cherokee, an' prances in an' comes mighty near stampedin' the whole outfit. "'See yere, Sam Enright, she shouts, wipin' her hands on her bib, 'what be you-alls aimin' for to do? Linin' up, I s'pose to hang the only decent man in town? "'Ma'am, says Enright, 'this yere sharp is 'cused of standin' up the stage them times recent over by Tucson.

"Well, uh well, Martin, that's pretty hard to say, considering you murdered one of my race, you know." "Ring off," said Martin. Gus now called up the Governor's office. "Governor, this is Gus Martin. Will you perteck my life if I surrender to this heah sheriff? I am 'cused uv killin' a white preacher."

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