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The sun, dispersing the fog, had unshrouded the river and unveiled the barracks and the bluffs. When she saw that, of the canvas row below the stockade not a tent remained, and the campground lay deserted. While from it, heading northward through the post to the faint music of the band, moved an imposing column of cavalry. Arms and equipment flashed gallantly in the sun. Horses curveted.

The boats were bright upon the waters when Lothair crossed it, and his dark chestnut barb, proud of its resplendent form, curveted with joy when it reached a green common, studded occasionally with a group of pines and well bedecked with gorse.

But a bust is a graven image, Joseph answered, and as the point was being debated a rich merchant came by, riding a white horse that curveted splendidly, and Joseph, who was interested in the horse, referred the difficulty they were engaged in to the merchant.

Scott seated herself beside her sister. The ponies pranced, curveted, and threatened to rear. "Be very careful, miss," said Edwards; "the ponies are very fresh to-day." "Do not be afraid," replied Bettina. "I know them." Miss Percival had a hand at once very firm, very light, and very just.

"And we mustn't hold too cheaply the enthusiasm of a crowd even a crowd that is influenced merely by the emotion of the moment," said Raymond. "It is a force which, aimless in itself, may be controlled for good uses by others. Ha, look at Harley, there! Well done!" Helen's brother was riding an unusually spirited horse that reared and curveted every time the band put forth an unusual effort.

And I edged for the door and slipped from the room. I felt weak. The old bean will stand a certain amount, but this was too much. I groped my way out into the street and wailed for a taxi. Gussie called on me at the hotel that night. He curveted into the room as if he had bought it and the rest of the city. 'Bertie, he said, 'I feel as if I were dreaming.

"What do you know about it?" "I know he won't because don't you tell mamma I was on him myself one day, and he never bucked a bit!" "You! How did you dare?" "I wanted to see if I could, and there was nobody in the corral, and I climbed on his back, and he was just lovely!" And just then, with Kid astride him, Dynamite pranced and curveted down the road.

Now he was positively bounding along. Furthermore, the usual expression on Reggie's face was a sleepy sadness. Now he smiled brightly and with animation. He curveted towards their table, beaming and erect, his head up, his gaze level, and his chest expanded, for all the world as if he had been reading the hints in "The Personality That Wins." Archie was puzzled.

Already, while it was early, the benches were beginning to fill with people of quality, who kept constantly arriving in little carts or upon palfreys that curveted gaily to the merry tinkle of silver bells at bridle reins. With these came also the poorer folk, who sat or lay upon the green grass near the railing that kept them from off the range.

She wished that she might have lived here then, when the dons held sway and when señoritas were all beautiful and when señoras were every one of them imposing in many jewels and in rich mantillas, and when vaqueros wore red sashes and beautiful serapes and big, gold-laced sombreros, and rode prancing steeds that curveted away from jingling, silver-rowelled spurs.