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He had, the young man, no ferocity but he was set there to stay Thomas Culpepper's going on to England; he was to stay him by word or by deed. Deeds came so much easier than words. 'Squahre Tom! the Lincolnshire man grunted. 'Reckon you have no money. Without groats and more ye shall get nowt to drink in Calais town, save water. Water you may have in plenty.

Captain Delmar has, I believe, given his orders about him." "Mr Keene, I presume?" said the first lieutenant, eyeing me from head to foot. "Yes, sir," replied I, touching my hat. "How long have you been at Portsmouth?" "Three days, sir; I have been staying at Mr Culpepper's." "Well, did you fall in love with Miss Culpepper?" "No, sir," replied I; "I hate her."

Sharp continued his stroll, rehearsing, as he went, the somewhat complicated and voluminous instructions she had given him. By Wednesday evening he was part-perfect, and, in a state of mind divided between nervousness and exaltation, set out for Mr. Culpepper's.

Hence, in accordance with this notion, we find numerous directions for the cutting and preparing of certain plants for medicinal purposes, a curious list of which occurs in Culpepper's "British Herbal and Family Physician." This old herbalist, who was a strong believer in astrology, tells us that such as are of this way of thinking, and none else, are fit to be physicians.

"I beg your pardon, sir, for venturing so in your presence," replied I; "but it is Mr Culpepper's report of killed and wounded;" which I then took up, and handed to the captain. This proof of Mr Culpepper's state of mind during the conflict was too much for even Captain Delmar, who laughed outright. "The old fool," muttered he. "You may go now, Mr Keene.

During their bridal-trip, Carry had been placed in the charge of Col. Starbottle's sister. On their return to the city, immediately on reaching their lodgings, Mrs. Starbottle announced her intention of at once proceeding to Mrs. Culpepper's to bring the child home. Col.

And loyal Southerner though he was, Martin Culpepper's interest in the affair between Ward and Miss Lucy was greater than his indignation over the fact that Ward had carried his campaign even into Virginia; nothing would have tempted him to disclose to his political friends at home the postmarks of Ward's letters. That was the year of the great drouth of '60, remembered all over the plains.

Next you may try the microscope and its literature, and find the crystals in the rhubarb. I remember taking sly glances when I was a very little boy at an old Culpepper's Herbal, heavily bound in leather and curiously illustrated.

He had begged him, in the inn, to take the lieutenancy of the Calais lighters; he had trotted at Culpepper's elbow in the winding streets; he had stood in his very path on the gangway to the ship that was to take them to Greenwich.

He never wrote to Ellen of money, and so strong was her influence upon him that when he had written to her after his quarrel with the driver, he went out in the night, hunted the man up, and paid him the disputed wages. Then he mailed Ellen Culpepper's letter, and was a lover living in an ethereal world as he walked home babbling her name in whispers to the stars.