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It was hard to resist his simple good nature, and the girls came in time to accept him as an inevitable companion, and Louise mischievously poked fun at him while Beth conscientiously corrected him in his speech and endeavored to improve his manners. All this seemed very gratifying to Uncle John.

But what right is there in refusing to me the opportunity of answering one libel at a time? But the April number of the "Journal of Ethics," nevertheless, was published without my article. The latter was all in type, and the proof-sheets had been corrected; nothing prevented its publication in April except Dr.

Have you got one, too?" Veronica looked around with a little look of wonder at the sensation she had created. "I did have," she corrected gently. "I haven't it any more. I left it behind me in Hungary. I'm just plain Veronica Lehar now."

"Woman," corrected Willy Cameron. "The word 'lady' is now obsolete, since your sex has entered the economic world." He put on his coat. "I said 'lady' and that's what I mean," said Edith. "'May I speak to Mr. Cameron?" she mimicked. "Regular Newport accent." Suddenly Willy Cameron went rather pale. If it should be Lily Cardew but then of course it wouldn't be.

Quietly she said: "I suppose she's gone to get her breakfast." "Well, she ought to be here," he snapped. "Did it ever occur to you," said Laura quickly, "that she has got to eat, just the same as you have?" "She's your servant, isn't she?" he barked. "My maid," she corrected, with difficulty controlling herself. "Well, what have you got her for to eat, or to wait on you?"

In his remorse and relief, so confusing and so poignant, he heard the driver of the cab asking where he wanted to go now. "Oh, back again!" But before they had gone a mile he corrected the address, in an impulse of which next moment he felt thoroughly ashamed. What he was doing indeed, was as indecent as if he were driving from the funeral of his wife to the boudoir of another woman.

It fell as she was carrying it in; but although its hot side and the boiling water burnt and scalded her arm and hand, she carried the tray quite quietly out again without allowing a muscle of her face to change she was not going to be corrected before him again.

"Whoever she is, she is not worth it," said Celia, her voice thrilling with indignation and scorn. "I said 'him," he corrected, almost inaudibly. "You said 'her, first," retorted Celia. "Of course, it's a woman and a wicked, a selfish one. No woman who had a spark of goodness in her would accept such a sacrifice." "You wrong her," he said.

Ah! when I came to your house a poor young bride, how you all looked me over never a kind word and discussed me, and thought I might just do; and your mother corrected me, and your sister snubbed me, and you said funny things about me to show how clever you were!

I think it is my duty to say that I am not at all a rich man, and if there has been any supposition that I am so, it is a mistake that cannot be corrected too soon."