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This resentment against interference again reminds us of the reactions of a spoiled child. For instance, Laura A., in manic spells during which she was still constrained and drooled, said, “I don’t want to have my face washed.” In the intervals she showed an intense muscular resistiveness. Mary G. used to say, “Leave me alone,” and covered her head or buried it in the pillows.

She constrained herself to assume a cold and formal manner, so unnatural to her that Isidore, as men are apt enough to do, grew vexed and annoyed at a treatment which he knew was undeserved, and soon began to think there was more affectation about Mademoiselle Lacroix than he had at first imagined.

But he went at last, constrained by his friend, and a very dull evening he passed. Lizzie was quite unlike her usual self, was silent, grave, and solemnly courteous; Miss Macnulty had not a word to say for herself; and even Frank was dull. Arthur Herriot had not tried to exert himself, and the dinner had been a failure.

Pennroyal after a while came round to where he was sitting, and the two gentlemen presently fell into conversation. Sir Edward was constrained to ask him what he meant. Pennroyal thereupon began to utter disparaging reflections upon the late Sir Clarence, who, he intimated, was not legally entitled to his name.

Well, depend upon it, this democracy, which the victorious usurper feels himself constrained to flatter in the brightest moments of his triumph this democracy will either make out of Louis Napoleon a tool, which in spite of itself serves the democracy, or it will crush him. France is the country of sudden changes, and of unthought of accidents.

He had the hospitable tone of a host inviting his guests in to dinner. Viewing the remains was considered a religious duty, and the men from outside, and even the boys from behind the smoke-house, felt constrained to come in and pass in shuddering horror before the still face whose breath did not dim the glass above it.

After the first few days, I began to feel most severely the want of a change of clothing. Accustomed to cleanliness, I found myself constrained to wear soiled apparel. * For the want of a comb, my hair became rough and entangled.

Her first sensation after she recovered from her momentary bewilderment was one of amusement, and she laughed in a constrained manner; but, presently, two bright red spots appeared in her cheeks, and she looked quickly around to see if any of the others had noticed the incident. None of them had been paying any attention to her and she breathed a sigh of relief.

He whose bedroom door she had double-locked seventeen hours before at the Castle Inn. "What is the matter with you?" he said, in a strange, constrained manner. "Get up, and let me take you indoors." He assisted her to rise, and she obeyed him very submissively. He took her arm in his strong hand and led her across the quadrangle and into the lamp-lit hall.

"It will be useless, then, for you to return." "I cannot deny myself that pleasure," was the reply. Laura constrained herself to soften her tone, and to implore. "Only this one day," said she, in trembling tones. "I need repose quiet " "To weep out the first pangs of widowhood," interrupted Barbesieur, with one of his coarse laughs.