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Updated: August 14, 2024

Let me leave you, my lord! I will go alone to this interview." So saying, Faringhea made a movement, as if he would spring from the carriage. Djalma held him by the arm, and said: "Remain! I wilt not leave you. If you are betrayed, you shall not shed blood. Contempt will avenge and friendship will console you." "No, no, my lord; I am resolved.

"Whether I shall gain any share of glory," he says, "by writing a history of the Roman people, I do not know. The work, however, will be a pleasure to me; and even if any fame that might otherwise be mine should be hidden by the success of other writers, I shall console myself by thinking of their excellence and greatness."

This time he had to pay calls alone, and to beg our friends to excuse me, for I had not yet been able to master my sorrow sufficiently to allow of my resuming social intercourse without fear of breaking down. With her tender sympathy, Mrs. Seeley bore with me, and strove to console me when my resignation failed; but I could but feel that I was a saddening guest.

The Mohammedans, ever ready with a poetical legend, still declare that when Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradise, they were sent to Ceylon to console them for their banishment. In order that a story or legend should touch the credulity of, and become current among, oriental people, there are two grand essentials: it must be sufficiently marvelous and ridiculously extravagant.

The prince, at the same time, dispatched letters of condolence to the mother of Aleefa, lamenting the fate of Mherejaun, whom he had been, much against his will, necessitated to oppose in battle, and expressing his ardent love for her daughter, a marriage with whom was his highest hope, as it was his first wish to console the mother of his beloved in her misfortunes.

We endeavoured to quiet and console them with this consideration; and we represented that, if the mob should break into their house, they would, after they had searched and convinced themselves that the obnoxious priest was not concealed there, disperse without attempting to destroy or pillage it "Then," said Lady de Brantefield, rising, and turning to her daughter, "Lady Anne, we had better think of returning to our own house."

And if he went to Bevisham he would be assured of Dr. Shrapnel's condition: notes and telegrams from the cottage were too much tempered to console and deceive him. 'Send my portmanteau and bag after me to Bevisham, he said Rosamund, and announced to the woefully astonish colonel that he would have the pleasure of journeying in his company as far as the town. 'Are you ready?

Thou wilt find me now, as ever, thy surest friend. But the public streets are not the fitting place for us to confer for me to console thee. Approach, slaves! Come, my sweet charge, the litter awaits thee. The amazed and terrified attendants gathered round Ione, and clung to her knees. 'Arbaces, said the eldest of the maidens, 'this is surely not the law!

So saying he gave a low mocking whistle and left his mother and sister to console themselves as best they could. We will not weary the reader by repeating the conversation between Gertrude and her mother. We will only say that Mrs.

So vast and varied have our stores become at length, that an investigator of the present day can scarcely expect to find a neglected spot where he may enjoy the luxury of cultivating virgin soil: so ably, moreover, have our predecessors fulfilled their tasks, that a modern inquirer, obliged to deal with familiar themes, cannot console himself with the expectation of dealing with them to better purpose.

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