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And not only is he just but exceedingly temperate, for Temperance is the acknowledged ruler of the pleasures and desires, and no pleasure ever masters Love; he is their master and they are his servants; and if he conquers them he must be temperate indeed.

If I conquer him, it will be a sign that I know how to defend myself; and if he conquers me, I will, by my behaviour, give a proof that I am not wanting in resolution to suffer pain, although I never will so far demean the character of a reasonable creature and a Christian, as to fight upon every trifling disagreement or insult."

For as the darkness disappears before the rising sun, whose earliest rays gild only the loftier mountain peaks, but whose growing brightness spreads over the lowly valleys and penetrates the deepest recesses of nature, so Theology gradually retires before the advance of Science, which first conquers and brings under the rule of natural law the simplest and least complicated branches, such as Mechanics and Astronomy; then attacks the more complex, such as Chemistry and Physiology; and, last of all, advances to the assault of the most difficult, such as Ethics and Sociology; until, having emancipated each of them successively from their previous connection with supernatural beliefs, it effects the entire elimination of Theology, first from the philosophic, and afterwards from the popular creed of mankind.

When one draws away all his desires like a tortoise drawing in all its limbs, then the natural resplendence of his soul soon manifests itself. When one does not fear any creature, nor any creature is frightened at one, when one conquers one's desire and aversion, then is one said to behold one's soul.

The only true spiritualism is that which emanates from the Holy Ghost, conquers sinful impulses, and makes a Christian heart the temple of God." Here Miss Jane called Hester into the adjoining room; and turning to Salome, Dr. Grey added,

No contest of modern warfare, such as commences and conquers by a duel of artillery, and, sometimes, gives the victory to whosoever has the superiority of ordnance, but a conflict, hand to hand, breast to breast, life for life; a Homeric combat of spear and of sword even while the first volleys of the answering musketry pealed over the plain.

While it is necessary, then, in the first place to secure this solid foundation of physical health, it must also be observed that the cultivation of the habit of mental application is quite indispensable for the education of the student. The maxim that "labor conquers all things" holds especially true in the case of the conquest of knowledge.

"Are doctors the only beings whoever think of the next generation?" he asked bitterly. "There is a saying," said Nick, "that 'Love conquers all things." "Pshaw!" said Max. "It never conquered heredity." "I withdraw the proposition," said Nick. "But, I say, Wyndham!" He paused. "Well?" Max swung round aggressively with hands in his pockets.

You are like the pagan Orestes; make yourself another Paul." "Your words have changed me utterly," she cried. "Now oh! now I want to live." "The spirit conquers," thought the modest rector, as he joyfully took his leave. He had cast nourishment before a soul hunted into secret despair by giving to its repentance the form of a good and noble action.

His satire was not like that of Horace, who taught his readers ridendo dicere verum, it was rather that of the elder Lucilius or the later Juvenal; not that of Chaucer, who wrote That patience is a virtue high is plain, Because it conquers, as the clerks explain, Things that rude valour never could attain, but that of The Lye, attributed to Raleigh, or Swift's Gulliver or the letters of Junius.