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The lady lowered the fan for a moment and met his eyes. A quick look of surprise flashed across Concha's face and he half bowed. Then he repeated his question in a louder voice: 'Are you rested, my child, after our long journey? 'Thank you, my father, yes. And the ostler watched with open-mouthed interest.

Concha's skirts swept Rezanov's feet, her little slippers twinkled before his admiring eyes, and he lost no sinuous turn or undulation of her beautiful figure; but she never vouchsafed him a glance. When the dance finished his host introduced him to the prettiest of the girls and he paid them as many compliments as their heads would stand.

He needed a true passion; to live close to a soul that was akin to his, to love a woman who was his superior, who could understand him and encourage him in his bold projects, who could sacrifice her commonplace prejudices to the demands of art. He spoke vehemently, with his eyes fixed on Concha's eyes that shone with light from the window.

He could not go on; they must purify themselves from the past by being good friends, must say good-by as lovers, without spite or antipathy, grateful to each other for the happy past, taking with them, like dead lovers, their pleasant memories. Concha's laugh, nervous, sarcastic, insolent, interrupted the artist. Her husband!

When the short mass was over, Rezanov bethought himself of Concha's request, and whispering its purport to Father Abella was led to a double iron hoop stuck with tallow dips in various stages of petition. Rezanov lit a candle and fastened it in an empty socket. Then with a whimsical twist of his mouth he lit and adjusted another.

In his heart he was desperately jealous of Concha's favored cavaliers, but it was a jealousy without hatred, and his kind, earnest, often humorous eyes, were always assuring his lady of an imperishable desire to serve her without reward.

He, too, was unhappy. He said it sincerely, believing honestly in the lady's melancholy despair. Something was lacking in his life; he was alone in the world. And as he saw an expression of surprise on Concha's face, he pounded his chest energetically. Yes, alone. He knew what she was going to say. He had his wife, his daughter.