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An honest lover I can understand, and a Don Juan I can understand. But the tepid philanderer has always made my toes tingle. And I was glad, too, to hear that little Phyllis Gedge had so much dignity and commonsense. Not many small builders' daughters would have sent packing a brilliant young gentleman like Randall Holmes, especially if they happened to be in love with him.

This other acquaintance was Mr. Chlamek, a famous advocate, one of the most honourable of characters, and withal an exceedingly dry man practical shrewdness and commonsense personified. He, too, was a pater-familias with three sons and two daughters. Mr. Chlamek listened to the matter laid before him with all an advocate's patience, and answered the question quietly and frankly

In the biological sciences of the eighteenth century, commonsense struggled hard to ignore individuality in shells and plants and animals.

Swinburne and George Meredith were to come, too. It was to be one big happy family. But the good old mother knew the human heart better than did her brilliant son. She has left on record these words: "Yes, my children all have talent, great talent; I only wish they had a little commonsense!"

Americans do not consider that any fair-minded man possessed of ordinary commonsense can honestly believe that nations seeking to provoke war with Germany would have urged their protégé to make a humiliating surrender to insolent and unjust demands. If there were any truth in the assertion that the Allies were trying to force war on Germany, they would have advised Servia to resist, not to yield.

Endowed with commonsense, as massive and hard as blocks of granite, fastened together by stern rigidity of purpose, as with iron clamps, he followed out his original design, probably without so much as imagining an objection to it. On the score of delicacy, or any scrupulousness which a finer sensibility might have taught him, the Colonel, like most of his breed and generation, was impenetrable.

Strange that a woman subject to such caprices should be so sagacious, capable, and utterly reliable as Constance was! For the practical and commonsense side of her eternally compelled his admiration.

Comte prided himself on his own commonsense, but the article was not in his equipment, else he would not have put the blame of all his troubles upon his wife. A man with commonsense, married to a woman who hasn't any, does not necessarily forfeit his own. Mr. or Mrs. Mill would have been great anywhere singly, separately, together, or apart. Each was a radiant center.

He's over here, and I've just found it out. Only been in the city two days: goes to-morrow." "How interesting, Red! Where do you give it? At one of the clubs or hotels in town?" "That's the usual thing, of course. That's why I'm not going to do it. Grant's a rugged sort of commonsense chap hates show and fuss. He gets an overpowering lot of being 'entertained' in precisely the conventional style.

In striking contrast to this, the gigantic industry of advertising is to-day still controlled essentially by an amateurish impressionism, by a so-called commonsense, which is nothing but the uncritical following of a well-worn path.