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Raf pulled himself up with caution to look at the globe. The com-tech was right. A dark opening showed on the alien ship; they had released their hatch. He fastened his tunic, buckled on his equipment belt and helmet, strapped his boots. "Here they come!" Soriki reported. "One two five no, six of them. And they're heading for the city. No dollies with them, but they're all armed."

And his remarks edited were that no something, something F-T was going to get any something, something information out of him! But it was his companion in misfortune the Com-tech who guessed the reason behind Rip's question. "Cut jets!" he advised the other. "They're just being soft-hearted.

"They're none too sure, themselves. Look as if they are closing up for the night." Indeed it did. The painted men had hauled up their ramp, the hatch in the globe closed with a definite snap. Seeing that, the com-tech laughed. "We have a double reason for a strict watch. Suppose whatever they've been looking for jumps us? They're not worrying over that it now appears."

And if they were what they said they were, they must readily agree to let him flash their voucher of payment to I-S headquarters, to be checked and okayed before they took the hydro stock. But Rip merely registered a mild resignation. "You the Com-tech? Where's your unit? I'll indit at once if you want it that way."

Though the pilot could see little reason for this he answered as best he could, trying to build first a physical picture of the com-tech and then doing a little guessing as to what lay under the other's space-burned skin. Dalgard lay on his back, gazing up into the blue-green sky. Yet Raf knew that he was intent on every word.

"We don't need all those. No, leave them " he added as Dane, with a sigh, started to pick up two for a return trip. "There's something more important just now " He turned into the side hall which led to the com room. Both the I-S men had awakened. The Com-tech appeared to accept his bonds philosophically. He was quiet and flat on his back, staring pensively at the ceiling.

"Another day," the com-tech drawled. "And I could do with something besides field rations." He made a face at the small tin of concentrates he had dug out of the supply compartment. "We'd do well to be headed west," Raf ventured. "Now you can come in with that on the com again!" Soriki answered with unwonted emphasis.

Time was running out fast. Supporting the wobbling Hovan, they went back into the panel room and under Ali's supervision the Com-tech took his place at the control board. Dane put the cage with the pest well to the fore on the table of the announcer and waited for Rip to take his place there with the trembling Medic.

He recognized a backdrop he had seen thousands of times behind the announcer who introduced the news-casts. In one corner Rip, his suit off, was working over the still relaxed form of the Medic. While Ali, a grim set to his mouth, was standing with a man who wore the insignia of a Com-tech. "All set?" Rip looked up from his futile ministrations.

He triggered the controls and soared up and away, fighting the heaving in his middle, shaking off with one savage jerk the insistent pawing hand of the alien who wanted to join in the fun. "Did you see that?" he demanded of Soriki. For once the com-tech sounded subdued. "Yes," he replied shortly. "Those were children," Raf hammered home the point. "Young ones anyway," the com-tech conceded.