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"Well, that's exactly the way I feel. But I commend you on your observations about me, Corbett. I think I would have been a little suspicious myself." The three cadets smiled. "Thank you, sir," said Tom. "And forget what we just said. If Governor Hardy's okayed you, that's good enough for us." "Thanks, Corbett," said Vidac. "I appreciate that." "I guess we'd better turn in now," said Roger.

Some woman had forgotten to have her bag of bananas weighed and that held up the line. The next woman wanted to cash a check and that had to be okayed by the manager. Jerry fidgeted. He saw that the woman ahead of the woman ahead of him had a cart so piled with groceries that she must be feeding a boardinghouse, or an awfully big family.

The laugh came again. "You're humor is priceless, old man." "Isn't it?" "Another thing I got pretty hot when I got wind of how the ground was being cut out from under you. I made it my business to do something about it. I hate to see a good man pushed around. Of course I okayed the orders cutting you down a matter of routine I had to follow through. But then I got busy.

And if they were what they said they were, they must readily agree to let him flash their voucher of payment to I-S headquarters, to be checked and okayed before they took the hydro stock. But Rip merely registered a mild resignation. "You the Com-tech? Where's your unit? I'll indit at once if you want it that way."