Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 9, 2024

The burro had broken into a ridiculous, little gallop that caused the frying-pan and coffee-pot, lashed on the outside of the pack, to rattle merrily. Splashing through the creek, he disappeared in the dark shadow of a thicket of alders and willows, where the road crosses a tiny rivulet that flows from a spring a hundred yards above.

'If so, it would be but the matter of a moment to procure a second cup; and, as her coffee-pot was quite full She raised the lid coquettishly, and again her eyes lingered upon the short dark hair and the straight brows above the gray eyes. The waiter with ready tact departed in search of the second cup; madame replaced the lid of the coffee-pot.

I thought maybe I'd come back to the Lazy River and get a job ridin' the range again." "Aren't there any ranches round the Bend?" she asked, poking up the fire and setting on the coffee-pot. "Plenty, but I I like the Lazy River country," he told her. "Fort Creek country for yores truly, now and hereafter." In this fashion did the proposed journey to Arizona go glimmering.

"Couldn't stop looking at her face behind the coffee-pot!" Norris restrained an impulse to throttle him and allowed Barry to proceed. "Why, yes, we passed the old thing. I always said we would. Your friend Percival voted with the combine. He's the real stuff. When he saw how truth and justice lay, he buckled down and did the square thing. Have a cigar? No?

A great kafila assembled, and they agreed to confer on me the rank of leader and kafila-bashi. Give orders to the grooms that they may lead the horses after us. Two slaves carried the kaliyan and coffee-pot, and went along with us. On the road, as we proceeded, we amused ourselves by shooting arrows, and when we had gone some distance from the kafila, they sent one of the slaves on some errand.

No Harmony there, but the great room was warm and cheery. The table was drawn near the stove and laid for Abendessen. The white porcelain coffee-pot had boiled and extinguished itself, according to its method, and now gently steamed. On to the kitchen.

There was to me something indescribably delightful about this silent solitude in the heart of a great city. Sitting beside the fire one evening, enjoying the profound calm of the place, attending from time to time to my little coffee-pot on the hob, and slowly turning the pages of a favorite author, I luxuriate in a state of mind half idle, half studious.

It will yet be recorded on her tombstone, 'Died of conveniences. For myself, what I languish for is a log-cabin, with a bed in one corner, a trundle-bed underneath for the children, a fireplace only six feet off, a table, four chairs, one kettle, a coffee-pot, and a tin baker, that's all.

I will not do it! I stop my subscription to that paper. I simply will not take a paper with that ad in it, for I have graduated from that class. I will not grasp a fortune now. Try me, I dare you! Bring a fortune right up on this platform and put it down there on the floor. I will not grasp it. Come away, it is a coffee-pot!

'You won't be late to-day, Frank, said Maude at last, peeping round the tall coffee-pot. 'No, dear, I won't. 'You were yesterday, you know. 'Yes, I know I was. 'Were you kept at the office? 'No, I had tea with a friend. 'At his house? 'No, no, at a restaurant. Where has Jemima put my boots? I wonder if she has cleaned them. I can never tell by looking. Here they are. And my coat?

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