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Amphion was the son of Jupiter and Antiope, queen of Thebes. With his twin brother Zethus he was exposed at birth on Mount Cithaeron, where they grew up among the shepherds, not knowing their parentage. Mercury gave Amphion a lyre and taught him to play upon it, and his brother occupied himself in hunting and tending the flocks.

The mountain Cithaeron was all alive with worshippers, and the cries of the Bacchanals resounded on every side. The noise roused the anger of Pentheus as the sound of a trumpet does the fire of a war-horse. He penetrated the wood and reached an open space where the wildest scene of the orgies met his eyes.

Vocat ingenti clamore Cithaeron, Taygetique canes, domitrixque Epidaurus equorum: Et vox assensu memorum ingeminata remugit. VIRG., Georg. iii. 43.

For they had never mourned for the daughter of Demeter in the asphodel meadows of Sicily, nor traversed the glades of Cithaeron with fawn-skin and with spear.

They accordingly cut down timber from Cithaeron, and built it up on either side, laying it like lattice-work to serve as a wall to keep the mound from spreading abroad, and carried to it wood and stones and earth and whatever other material might help to complete it.

The body of that brave and ill-fated general, the main author of the war, was removed the next day by whose piety and to what sepulchre is unknown. The tomb of his doubtful fame is alone eternally visible along the plains of Plataea, and above the gray front of the imperishable Cithaeron! Pausanias forbade the booty to be touched , and directed the helots to collect the treasure in one spot.

A vacant, deathlike, fearful silence reigns On every side around the lonely palace, So wont to ring with wild bacchantic shouts No breath is stirring on Cithaeron's height Exulting Juno stands. Will Semele Never again make haste to meet her Zeus? Can yon impious one perchance have dared To set her foot in my love's sanctuary? Saturnia Mount Cithaeron her rejoicings Fearful foreboding!

Cithaeron loudly calls me to my way: Thy hounds, Taygetus, open, and pursue their prey: High Epidaurus urges on my speed, Famed for his hills, and for his horses' breed: From hills and dales the cheerful cries rebound: For Echo hunts along, and propagates the sound. Lo, yonder doth Earl Douglas come, His men in armour bright; Full twenty hundred Scottish spears, All marching in our sight.

The Chorus of Bacchae are alarmed on hearing a tumult. The stranger appears to tell how Pentheus was made mad by Dionysus in the act of imprisoning him. The King in amazement sees his prisoner standing free before him and becomes furiously angry on hearing that his mother has joined a new revel on Mount Cithaeron.

And away away It bounds in its freshening might. Silent and soon, Like a broadened moon, It passes in sheen, Asopus green, And bursts on Cithaeron gray. The warder wakes to the signal rays, And it swoops from the hill with a broader blaze, On on the fiery glory rode Thy lonely lake, Gorgopis, glowed To Megara's Mount it came; They feed it again, And it streams amain A giant beard of flame!