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Still, she was in a more receptive mood than usual, and he wondered if that would not be as good a time as any to speak about his new plan as to the mill. He took an uneasy turn or two about the room, feeling her eyes on him. "There is something else, Natalie." She had relaxed like a kitten in her big chair, and was lighting one of the small, gilt-tipped cigarets she affected. "About Graham?"

On the other hand, if a person is nervously tired, irritable, or even muscularly weary, a cigar or several cigarets will increase his blood pressure, take away his circulatory tire, soothe his irritability, and stop temporarily his muscular pains or aches and muscle weariness.

Or the young boy, stimulated by his associates, smokes cigarets more and more frequently until he uses them to excess.

Here were big leather chairs, a mahogany table, cigars, smoking trays, cigarets, a bottle of brandy and one of fine red wine standing forth hospitably. Through one door they saw an artistically and comfortably furnished bedroom; through another a tiled, glisteningly white bath; beyond the bath the second bedroom. All this they marked at a glance. Then Kendric turned soberly to his companion.

"I'm going to have a party, Clay," she had said. "I've made two killings at bridge, and somebody has shipped Chris some ducks. If you'll send me some cigarets like the last, I'll make it Tuesday." He had sent the cigarets, and this was Tuesday. The pleasant rolling of the car soothed him. The street flashed by, brilliant with lights that in far perspective seemed to meet.

But, great hooks, what's all this about Medcroft and Constance?" He bought some cigarets and started off for a walk, mildly excited by this new turn of affairs. It occurred to him, as he turned it all over in his mind, that Mrs. Medcroft was amazingly resigned to the situation. Of course, she was not blind to her husband's infatuation for her sister.

Werper remained, listening, for a short time, and then, confident that he had overheard all that was necessary and fearing discovery, returned to the veranda, where he smoked numerous cigarets in rapid succession before retiring.

Some reclined at length upon old straw; others squatted, Turk fashion. All were smoking either disreputable pipes or rolled cigarets. Blear-eyed and foxy-eyed, bearded and stubbled cheeked, young and old, were the men the youth looked upon. All were more or less dishevelled and filthy; but they were human. They were not dogs, or bulls, or croaking frogs. The boy's heart went out to them.

While it has not been definitely shown that any stronger narcotic drug occurs in cigarets sold in this country, it still is of great interest to note that a user who becomes habituated to one particular brand will generally have no other, and the excessive cigaret-smoker will generally select the strongest brand of cigarets. The same is almost equally true of cigar smokers.

This officer was a cold, taciturn man, inspiring little love in those directly beneath him, yet respected and feared by the black soldiers of his little command. Werper was accustomed to sit for hours glaring at his superior as the two sat upon the veranda of their common quarters, smoking their evening cigarets in a silence which neither seemed desirous of breaking.