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The cheek's red rose, that speaks of balmier air, The Celtic blackness of her braided hair; The gilded missal in her kerchief tied; Poor Nora, exile from Killarney's side!

Poor Katie! dear, darling, bonny Katie! sweet sweetest, dearest child! why, oh why, has that mother of thine, that tender-hearted loving mother, put thee unguarded in the way of such peril as this? Has she not sworn to herself that over thee at least she would watch as a hen does over her young, so that no unfortunate love should quench thy young spirit, or blanch thy cheek's bloom?

I had never known till then that there were such luxuries in the world. I determined to make that shop my home, and I did so. "'How did you manage it? asked the black cat, who was growing interested. "'By the simple process of walking in and sitting down. My dear child, cheek's the "Open sesame" to every door.

The cheek's red rose, that speaks of balmier air, The Celtic blackness of her braided hair; The gilded missal in her kerchief tied; Poor Nora, exile from Killarney's side!

However, Stephen prevented it by calling back attention to his own picturesque countenance. "I don't mind the eye, that don't hurt; but I can tell you, you fellows, my cheek's awful!" "I always said you'd got an awful cheek of your own, young Greenfield," said Bramble, laughing, as if he was the inventor of the joke. Stephen glowered at him.

"Just a furrow," he said and smiled a trifle dazedly. "He fired straight into my face." "By Harry! He must have. Your cheek's powder-marked," cried Brannan, running up and holding the lamp for a better view. "See that, gentlemen? They tried to murder Mr. Stanley. This is self-defense. Who fired at you?" "This fellow!" Adrian indicated the sprawled figure. "Must have been.

General Walker with his division, after accomplishing the object in which he is now engaged, will cross the Potomac at Cheek's Ford, ascend its right bank to Lovettesville, take possession of Loudoun Heights, if practicable, by Friday morning, Key's Ford on his left, and the road between the end of the mountain and the Potomac on his right.

"If it wasn't that I feel afraid for her," continued Mrs. Bubb in a lower voice, "I'd give that young woman notice to quit. Her cheek's getting past everything. Did you see her gold watch and chain?" "Yes, I did; where does it come from?" "That's more than I can tell you, Mr. Gammon. I don't want to think ill of the girl, but there's jolly queer goin's-on. And she's so brazen about it!

Yet thou must end thy task and mark Her cheek's last tinge her eye's last spark, And the last glassy glance must view Which freezes o'er its lifeless blue; Then with unhallowed hand shall tear The tresses of her yellow hair, Of which, in life a lock when shorn Affection's fondest pledge was worn But now is borne away by thee Memorial of thine agony!

The resemblance was so perfect her cheek's turn, her voice, sweet with a trace of petulance, her fingers that it was sustained in a flooding illumination through the commonplace revealing act of supper. It was as if the eighteen years since Hannah, his Hannah, was a reality were but momentary, the passage of the valley.