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We held mock school in Mr Ladislaw's study, and got Flanagan to dress up in an old gown of the Henniker's, which was found in the boot-room, and enact that favourite character's part, which he did to the life.

I said, "you think it's worse, then, than it used to be?" He smiled; in that smile there was a shade of patronage. "We're going down-hill as fast as ever we can. National character's losing all its backbone. No wonder, with all this molly-coddling going on!" "Oh!" I murmured, "molly-coddling? Isn't that excessive?" "Well! Look at the way everything's being done for them!

This author may be a fine psychologist for purposes of fiction, but I question his insight into his own mental processes. The apparent spontaneity of a character's proceedings is a pure illusion. It means no more than that the imagination, once set in motion along a given line, moves along that line with an ease and freedom which seems to its possessor preternatural and almost uncanny.

"Character's something of a consideration in social matters, of course. But it isn't the chief consideration by a long shot, and the absence of it isn't necessarily fatal." "I'm the biggest single operator in the country," I went on.

This is a convention to be employed as sparingly as possible; but it is not exactly on a level with the ordinary soliloquy. A letter has an actual objective existence. The words are formulated in the character's mind and are supposed to be externalized, even though the actor may not really write them on the paper.

A glance at the thing of wrinkles receiving orders to buckle at his horses and pursue convinced them of the hopelessness; and Morsfield was pricked to intensest hatred of the woman by hearing the dire exclamation, 'One night, and her character's gone! 'Be quiet, ma'am, if you please, or nothing can be done, he cried. 'I tell you, Mr. Morsfield don't you see? he has thrown them together.

It is no small aggravation of this jaded and uncomfortable state of mind, that the voluptuary cannot renounce the pursuits with which he is satiated, but must continue, for his character's sake, or from the mere force of habit, to take all the toil, fatigue, and danger of the chase, while he has so little real interest in the termination.

"Oh, heaven knows your character's all right!" And so saying he seated himself again at the table. The girl flared up still more at this; she retorted: "Well, that ain't your fault, Jack Rance!" But the words were hardly out of her mouth than she regretted having spoken them.

"You know you would bear a lot rather than have folks say a a married man was taking up for me in that way. If you ever meet him, and the thing comes up, you must remember that one thing. My character's all I've got, Alfred; if you are what I think you are, you'd think twice before compromising me like that. Carrie Wade would talk then, sure enough.

He was a dispirited, but a grateful creature, after he had delivered them up. The delirium came by fits, as if a devil lurked to surprise him. "With this money," said the demon, "you might speculate, and in two days make ten times the amount." To which Anthony answered: "My character's worth fifty times the amount." Such was his reply, but he did not think it.