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The subtlest phase of indirect delineation through speech is a conveyance to the reader, through a character's remarks about himself, of a sense of him different from that which his statement literally expresses.

A glance at the thing of wrinkles receiving orders to buckle at his horses and pursue convinced them of the hopelessness; and Morsfield was pricked to intensest hatred of the woman by hearing the dire exclamation, 'One night, and her character's gone! 'Be quiet, ma'am, if you please, or nothing can be done, he cried. 'I tell you, Mr. Morsfield don't you see? he has thrown them together.

I'm sure I ain't going to try it on in the hall or passages; we can't afford to be roasting ducks about our character's too bad." "I wish we were rid of the brute," said Tom, throwing him on the table in disgust.

"'If anybody 'as got anything to say agin my character, says Bob, 'I wish as they'd say it to my face. I'm a pore, hard-working man, and my character's all I've got. "'You're poorer than you thought you was then, says Mr. Bunnett. 'I wish you good arternoon. "'Good arternoon, sir, ses Bob, very humble.

Anyhow, I'm after him, and it'll go hard with me if he gives me the slip after all, for my blood's up, and my character's at stake, and I'd think no more of crossing the Atlantic after him than I'd think of going over Waterloo Bridge!" It was a very chill and miserable time of the morning when the Pretty Polly ground her nose against the granite steps of the quay.

The subtlest phase of indirect delineation through speech is a conveyance to the reader, through a character's remarks about himself, of a sense of him different from that which his statement literally expresses.

If the late Jonathan Edwards should rise up and tell me he wrote Mr. Dooley's books, I should answer and say that the marked difference between his style and Dooley's is argument against the soundness of his statement. You see how much I think of circumstantial evidence. In literary matters in my belief it is often better than any person's word, better than any shady character's oath.

Again, it is said, But even for the sake of helping, of doing some service, I could not for my own sake, for character's, for reputation's sake, I could not afford even to be seen with such a one. What would people, what would my friends, think and say?

Dryfoos turned his large, mild eyes upon Beaton, and laughed with the uneasy concession which people make to a character when they do not quite approve of the character's language. "What Mr. March and I are trying to do is to carry on this thing so that there won't be any money in it or very little; and we're planning to give the public a better article for the price than it's ever had before.

The self-obliterating author endeavors to hide his own opinion of the characters, in order not to interfere with the reader's independence of judgment concerning them; but the author who writes personally does not hesitate to reveal, nor even to express directly, his admiration of a character's merits or his deprecation of a character's defects.