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All had been sure there would be hanky-panky. As they came shoving off the course into the Paddock, and heaved about the weighing-room, the howl subdued into a buzz as of a swarm of angry bees. The thousands were waiting for a sign, and the growl that rose from them was broken only by groans, cat-calls, whistles, and vengeful bursts of Hands off and no hanky-panky!

The curtain was drawn up in the midst of a veritable tempest, bird cries, cat-calls, and a heavy rhythmical refrain of "Ruy Blas! Ruy Blas! Victor Hugo! Victor Hugo!" My turn came. Berton pere, who was playing Kean, had been received badly. I was wearing the eccentric costume of an Englishwoman in the year 1820.

There were many mutterings, some cat-calls and at least a score of men rose. "You let me alone, you fellows!" yelled Bert Dodge, as he made a break for the front end of the car. "Don't any of you dare to get fresh with me!" By the time he had reached the front end of the car Bert was almost sobbing with anger and shame. Bayliss had followed, white and silent.

In fact the Roman sense of fair play was offended when the lanista gave Almo a mere moment of rest and then set against him a sixth antagonist. Murmurs ran from tier to tier, there were hoots and cat-calls. Aurelius put up his hand and the people became still. It was not often that the entire throng in the Colosseum focussed its attention on anyone fighter. That happened now.

Then a fashion of derisive cat-calls came and went. After which, here and there, voices spoke of ropes, of tar and feathers. And still the mayor smiled as one for whom the orchard gate swung open in May. A squad of policemen, who had entered the car from the rear, forced their way put on to the platform. "Want us to see you through the crowd, Mr. Cargan?" the lieutenant asked.

A hoarse group on the opposite sidewalk beginning a song, "Ro-o-l on, sil-ver mo-o-n " The silver moon ceases to roll in a sudden explosion of yells and laughter, sending up broken fragments of curses, ribald jeers, whoopings, and cat-calls, high into the night air. "Ga-l-a-ng! Hi-hi! What ye-e-h 'bout!" "This is outrageous, Mrs. Miller. Where's the watchman?" She smiled faintly.

Humour thy fancy, if thou must, but choose some other title." A tinker shrieked out a suggestion "Foo-foo the First, King of the Mooncalves!" The title 'took, at once, every throat responded, and a roaring shout went up, of "Long live Foo-foo the First, King of the Mooncalves!" followed by hootings, cat-calls, and peals of laughter. "Hale him forth, and crown him!" "Robe him!" "Sceptre him!"

"Gentlemen will please stop smoking," he said. His effort was applauded by groans and cat-calls, and she noticed with indignation that nobody stopped smoking. Mr. Clausen held a burning match in his fingers while the announcement was being made, and then calmly lighted his cigar. She felt that she hated him in that moment. How was her Joe to fight in such an atmosphere?

And when he appeared, after a symphony which had seemed unconscionably long, to play some piano music, he was received with cat-calls which left no room for doubt as to their displeasure at having to put up with him again.

The fellows near me, who had been running from the fight, set up insulting cheers and cat-calls. "'Did you'ns leave a lock of your hair with old Mas'r Lincoln? "'Come down to Dixie to marry niggers, have ye? and scores of taunts more insulting and obscene. Our men never answered. They were worn and dusty.