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"Fairly well," he answered coldly. "Shan't I relieve you a few minutes?" proposed Crane. "No, thank you." "It's pretty hard work, and don't pay as well as it might. I think California's a humbug, for my part." "Have you tried washing for gold?" asked Tom. "I haven't seen you at work." "Not here. I've tried it elsewhere, but it's slow." "Then, why do you stay here?" asked Tom, naturally.

And then they were there, sliding slowly through the yards in a drab drizzle of one of California's fall rains. Then they were in a taxicab, making for the Third Street tunnel. Then Jean stared heavy-eyed at the dripping palms along the boulevard which led away from the smoke of the city and into Hollywood, snuggled against the misty hills. "Letter-in-the-chaps!" her tired brain repeated it still.

In our schools, every classroom in America must be connected to the information superhighway, with computers and good software, and well-trained teachers. We are working with the telecommunications industry, educators and parents to connect 20 percent of California's classrooms by this spring, and every classroom and every library in the entire United States by the year 2000.

People soon found out, however, that our fine climate and rich soil made good crops almost certain, and there was such demand for fruit and farm products that more and more acres were cultivated each year. Our leading industry now is farming and fruit-growing, and California's delicious fresh or cured fruit is sent all over the world.

For the first few months he wrote to me often, and then his letters came at longer intervals, and then they ceased. And then the newspapers disclosed the shameful secret California's brilliant Senator was a drunkard. The temptations of the Capital were too strong for him. He went down into the black waters a complete wreck. He returned to the old home of his boyhood in New Jersey to die.

Kepler takes us up to the stars, which shine beautifully over the lofty Sierras, California's eternal rampart; while Lafayette speaks to us of friendship and chivalry, still alive in these matter of fact days.

But wherever "John" settled he worked steadily, patiently and systematically, no matter whether his ten or twelve hours' labor brought fifty cents or fifty dollars; for his industry is of an untiring mechanical character. In the earlier and flusher days of California's gold-harvest the white man worked spasmodically.

Thousands of rough, hard-drinking, hard-fighting men thronged the mushroom town, and it resembled a mining town of California's early days. Miners and cattlemen, too, made the town headquarters, and there were frequent fights and an occasional shooting scrape. The cost of everything was high. Money flowed freely, as did bootleg jackass brandy.

This beautiful hymn is found in many ancient Spanish books of devotion. Retrospection of the work of the Spanish Missionaries, Explorers and Settlers and their place in California's Appreciation

Let's go to the Japanese garden." To the Japanese garden they went, for a most unsatisfactory tea. Miss Fox, it appeared, had been to Japan, "with Dolly Ripley, Peter," said she, carelessly mentioning the greatest of California's heiresses, and she delighted the little bowing, smiling tea-woman with a few words in her native tongue.