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It is a grand thing to hear him bullyragging the villain. The stage hero is always entitled to "estates," chiefly remarkable for their high state of cultivation and for the eccentric ground plan of the "manor house" upon them. The house is never more than one story high, but it makes up in green stuff over the porch what it lacks in size and convenience.

"Now you're going to quit this stuff. No more thieving, no more man-killing, no bullyragging, no nothing. Tenison will clear this room. Hold your glass right where it is, till the last man gets out. When he gets out set down your glass; you'll have time enough allowed you. After that, draw where you stand. You're not entitled to a chance.

You are to hurry before Blenham gets there he's across the street at the saloon already. After his money, I guess; next thing, unless you block his play, he'll be standing over poor old dad's bed, bullyragging him. Come alive, Steve Packard, and beat him to it." And with the last words she had started her car, after Terry's way of starting anything, with a leap.

"Sir," Murphy answered, so softly and carelessly that it irritated the mate to further bullyragging. "Well, Murphy's too long," he announced. "Nosey'll do you aboard this craft. Got that?" "I gotcha . . . sir," came the reply, insolent in its very softness and unconcern. "Nosey Murphy goes . . . sir."

"I have no wish to disappoint your principal, or his master, the devil. Let it be to-morrow morning at sunrise in the oak grove which was once my father's wood field, each man with his own blade. And I give you fair warning, Master Jennifer; I shall kill your bullyragging captain of light-horse as I would a vermin of any other breed."

So me and the duke went up to the village, and hunted around there for the king, and by and by we found him in the back room of a little low doggery, very tight, and a lot of loafers bullyragging him for sport, and he a-cussing and a-threatening with all his might, and so tight he couldn't walk, and couldn't do nothing to them.

I've had enough of it. I resign! If you want this scarab of yours recovered let somebody else do it. I've retired from business." He took another step toward the door. A shaking hand clutched at his sleeve. "My boy my dear boy be reasonable!" Ashe was intoxicated with his own oratory. The sensation of bullyragging a genuine millionaire was new and exhilarating.