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Frank Osbaldistone, are not the first bully-boy that has said stand to a true man. There was Jack Winterfield, in my young days, kept the best company in the land at horse-races and cock-fights who but he hand and glove was I with Jack. Push the bottle, Mr.

For three wild lads were we, brave boys, And three wild lads were we; Thou on the land, and I on the sand, And Jack on the gallows-tree! That's it, my bully-boy! Why, you're alive again now! And now let us talk about our business. 'YOUR business, if you please, said Hatteraick. 'Hagel and donner! mine was done when I got out of the bilboes.

I had no need to envy him now, having better work on hand than his, but even if the mood of the midday had been prevailing, it would have disappeared before his hearty greeting. "Noll, by gad, Noll," he cried, wringing my hand joyously. "I am glad to see you, bully-boy; I thought you were sulking in your tent like like, you know his name, the fellow old Bloggs was always yarning about."

For three wild lads were we, brave boys, And three wild lads were we; Thou on the land, and I on the sand, And jack on the gallows-tree!" That's it, my bully-boy! Why, you're alive again now! And now let us talk about our business." "Your business, if you please," said Hatteraick; hagel and donner! mine was done when I got out of the bilboes."

Slingsby was rather puny, and withal somewhat of a coward, but very apt at his learning; Jack, on the contrary, was a bully-boy out of doors, but a sad laggard at his books. Slingsby helped Jack, therefore, to all his lessons: Jack fought all Slingsby's battles; and they were inseparable friends.

He was a member of a Maintenon family and had some ability and some education, which he very rarely employed; for in a stupid manner, which was then quite common, he swaggered about, forever cursing and swearing, and talking of running people through with his sabre. This bully-boy had only one virtue, very rare at this time: he was always turned out with the greatest elegance.

"Maybe I'd hire me a red-headed river-dog," came his answer pat. "Maybe I'd hire me a bully-boy boss of white water, to build me some skidways to the nearest floodwater, so's I could teach the infant railroad you mention that business was business, contract or no contract." "Of course you would!"

Slingsby was rather puny, and withal somewhat of a coward, but very apt at his learning; Jack, on the contrary, was a bully-boy out of doors, but a sad laggard at his books. Slingsby helped Jack, therefore, to all his lessons; Jack fought all Slingsby's battles; and they were inseparable friends.

He was full of apple-jack, and strutted across the way to accost me. "What's this I hear, Sawney?" he cried. "You're setting up as a pedlar, and trying to cut in on our trade. Od twist me, but we'll put an end to that, my bully-boy. D'you think the King, God bless him, made the laws for a red-haired, flea-bitten Sawney to diddle true-born Englishmen?

For three wild lads were we, brave boys, And three wild lads were we; Thou on the land, and I on the sand, And Jack on the gallows-tree! That's it, my bully-boy! Why, you're alive again now! And now let us talk about our business. 'YOUR business, if you please, said Hatteraick. 'Hagel and donner! mine was done when I got out of the bilboes.