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You're wanted as a witness. Never mind why. They'll tell you. The doctor is there, smoking a cigar till you turn up." "I left him at Joe Bland's." "Joe Bland has left Boxton for Kingdom Come. And The Towers is half burnt down. Things haven't been happening while you were away, have they?" "Not half," said Tom. "No, nor quarter," grinned the policeman to himself when the car moved on.

But Rosy was entertaining her own vision of Boxton Park. It was a spacious and glorious domain, and its noble manor house was a perfect commingling of old-time picturesqueness and modern comfort. And the peacocks paraded again on the terrace. Rosy shifted her seat on the pile of shingles in order to take a more general view of the landscape. She shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Boxton Park itself she had found comfortable, but not at all splendid; and as for its occupants, they were, in the main, staid and serious people who were doing what they could to justify the favors that fortune had bestowed upon them. Rosy sometimes felt that, in general terms, they might have appreciated Jane quite as fully as they had appreciated her.

Their parents would have something to say about that. And Chet was in just as bad a fix, for Boxton Military Academy had been his dream even as Three Towers Hall had been Billie's. Oh, if only they could all go what a wonderful time they could have! Oh, well And Mr. and Mrs.

"They have had to stain it green to make it look old and mossy." "Sometimes the appearance of age is to be preferred to the reality," observed Paston, thoughtfully. His mind was on "Boxton Park, Witham, Essex," and he was wishing devoutly enough that means were available for keeping that in a state of fresh repair equal to the state of the house where he was now staying.

"Justice!" apostrophized Frank, "thy name is Red Tape!" Heney alone was to enter the lists against Delmas and Coogan in the trial of Louis Glass. The charge was bribing Supervisor Boxton to vote against the Home telephone franchise. Frank had seen Glass at the Press Club, apparently a sound and honest citizen. A little doubt crept into Frank's mind.

"But where are his children all the sons and daughters, and when they were born, and who they married, and everything? It tells in the dukes and earls. Never mind, though; I don't need a book for that. Boxton Park, Witham, Essex," she mused. The posts came back again with the stone balls on top of them; and a few oriel-windows; and a peacock or two strutting on a terrace.

"And I can send Chet to Boxton Military Academy. Won't that be fine?" "And you can have enough left to pay for that old statue," added Laura, with a smile. "I knew something good would come out of this queer old house at Cherry Corners." "Well, you needn't take all the credit to yourself," said Billie, the lilt of happiness and excitement in her voice.

Billie groaned inwardly and seemed about to speak, but Violet stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Might as well get it over with," she whispered. "Chet is sure to hear of it later if he doesn't now." So Billie waited, but her heart ached as she watched Chet march up smilingly to hear "the glad news." "We're going to Boxton Military Academy." Ferd fairly shouted it at him.

"It will give me an easy way to get around," answered Charles Vapp. "I'm Andy Weber, representing the Boxton Seed Company. A seed man can go anywhere, in the city and the country. I got the outfit from old Boxton himself. He thinks it a good joke and he will keep mum. Now, what's the game?" "I want you to do some shadowing for me." "All right that's my line."