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They say you ruined the biggest employer in the city." "Yes. I ruined his business," said Pelle, laughing. "But where has the shopwalker got to?" "He's gone down into the streets to show himself!" Karl, sure enough, was strolling about below and allowing the boys and girls to admire him. "Look, when we come into the shop and the grocer isn't there you'll stand us treat!"

All this applies chiefly to city real estate. Inflation beyond investment basis never touched farm lands; but as a prominent editor remarked, "No fool thing that ever failed was half as improbable as the fool things that have succeeded. Men have literally been kicked into fortunes; and the carefulest man has often been the biggest fool by not biting till the last."

It could be reached in one breathless dash, but there seemed to be a green enclosure, so I walked around until I found an entrance. Once there I was so amazed I stood and stared. I was half indignant too. Laddie hadn't done a thing but make an exact copy of my playhouse under the biggest maiden's-blush in our orchard. He used the immense beech for one corner, where I had the apple tree.

Certain boys hover before me, the biggest, the fairest, the most worthy of freedom, dominating the scene and scattering upon fifty subjects the most surprising lights.

As they rode by, all the people came to their doorways, and the soldiers stopped and asked if they had seen two horsemen. Then La Madre gathered up her knitting and went quietly out into the crowd. She made a low bow to the man with the biggest feather in his cap, and she told him her story.

"I wish," he said pathetically, "you would come to me. I don't like to be away from you this way. What good is there in waiting? You're not any happier, are you?" "Happier!" she exclaimed softly, "you know better than that." "Here we are then," he went on in the same tone, "wasting our days. If you are not happy, do you think I am? I sit and write to you the biggest part of the time.

There was a Baby Tiger lived in a men-ag-er-ie Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy they wouldn't set him free; And ev'rybody thought that he was gentle as could be Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy Ba-by Ti-ger! "Oh! They patted him upon his head and shook him by the paw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy he had a bone to gnaw; But soon he grew the biggest Tiger that you ever saw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy what a Ti-ger! "Oh!

'Simple as striking matches, said Dave Regan, Bushman; 'but it gave me the biggest scare I ever had except, perhaps, the time I stumbled in the dark into a six-feet digger's hole, which might have been eighty feet deep for all I knew when I was falling. 'It was the night of the day after the Queen's birthday.

Having admitted that they had boxed the compass during a six months' residence in this down-trodden country, he went on to say, "The only way ye could cure the discontent is to make no attempt at it. Then the agitation would stop. The people are the biggest fules I ever saw.

It was the oddest sensation when I said "Oh, good Iago, what shall I do to win my lord again?" to look up my own eyes dry, for Desdemona is past crying then and see Henry's eyes at their biggest, luminous, soft and full of tears! He was, in spite of Iago and in spite of his power of identifying himself with the part, very deeply moved by my acting. Every one liked Henry's Iago.