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Updated: August 5, 2024

And he was so miserable all that week that when the ugly fairy came and looked at him once more full in the face, more seriously and sadly than ever, he could stand it no longer, and thrust the sweetmeats away, saying, "No, I don't want any: I can't bear them now;" and then burst out crying, poor little man, and told Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid every word as it happened.

And after luncheon she set to work again, and called up all the cruel schoolmasters whole regiments and brigades of them; and when she saw them, she frowned most terribly, and set to work in earnest, as if the best part of the day's work was to come. Bedonebyasyoudid has caught them all long ago; and given them many a taste of their own rods; and much good may it do them.

"Then look at me once more," said she. They looked and both of them cried out at once, "Oh, who are you, after all?" "You are our dear Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby." "No, you are good Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid; but you are grown quite beautiful now!" "To you," said the fairy. "But look again."

He thought Tom had simply come to laugh at him until he assured him that he had only come to help. Suddenly Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid appeared. She reminded Grimes that he was only suffering now what he had inflicted on Tom. She told him, too, how his mother had gone to heaven, and would no more weep for him.

And then they set to work at their lessons again, and both liked them so well that they went on till seven full years were past and gone. Tom began to be very curious to know where Ellie went on Sundays, and why he could not go, too. "Those who go there," said Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid, "must first learn to go where they do not want to go, and to help someone they do not like." And Mrs.

Did I ask to stick fast in the very first chimney of all, because it was so shamefully clogged up with soot? Did I ask to stay here I don't know how long a hundred years, I do believe, and never get my pipe, nor my beer, nor nothing fit for a beast, let alone a man?" "No," answered a solemn voice behind. "No more did Tom, when you behaved to him in the very same way." It was Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid.

The sea anemones are alive, but the circles of tentacles about their mouths make them look like flowers of the most beautiful colors. The other children warned him, and said, "Take care what you are at. Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid is coming." But Tom never heeded them, being quite riotous with high spirits and good luck, till, one Friday morning early, Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid came indeed.

Bedonebyasyoudid; but you are grown quite beautiful now." "To you," she said. "But look again." "You are Mother Carey," said Tom, in a very low, solemn voice. For he had found out something which made him very happy, and yet frightened him more than all that he had ever seen. And when they looked again she was neither of them, and yet all of them at once.

Bedonebyasyoudid. Now, as soon as Tom had left Peacepool, he came to the white lap of the great sea-mother, ten thousand fathoms deep; where she makes world-pap all day long, for the steam-giants to knead, and the fire-giants to bake, till it has risen and hardened into mountain- loaves and island-cakes.

And he was so miserable all that week that when the ugly fairy came and looked at him once more full in the face, more seriously and sadly than ever, he could stand it no longer, and thrust the sweetmeats away, saying, "No, I don't want any: I can't bear them now," and then burst out crying, poor little man, and told Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid every word as it happened.

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