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Now although, when young, the Calabrian Bacchus has a wild-eyed beaute du diable which appeals to one's expansive moods, he already begins to totter, at seven years of age, in sour, decrepit eld.

Indeed, he had never felt so small, for not only was the captain a man of superb proportions and conspicuous bearing, but he possessed, in spite of his fiery hair and fierce moustache, that beaute de diable which is at once threatening and imposing.

On the morrow all the world of the assembled court met the empress and avowed that she had that specious beauté du diable which has ever pleased the French connoisseur of beautiful women. They went further, however, and stated that in spite of this ravishing beauty she lacked the elegance which should be the possession of an empress of the French.

To win any renown in her profession, a geisha must be pretty or very clever; and the famous ones are usually both, having been selected at a very early age by their trainers according to the promise of such qualities Even the commoner class of singing-girls must have some charm in their best years, if only that beaute du diable which inspired the Japanese proverb that even a devil is pretty at eighteen . But Kimiko was much more than pretty.

For all her plainness of actual feature, if that wonderful mouth were excepted, no one knew better than Georgie that she had beauté de diable, and the sheer impudent vitality of her swept nearly every man off his feet if she wished it to. "Me, m'dear?" she would protest to Judy or any friend who pointed this out to her. "Most hideous female, m'dear. Face like a pudding."

You know my father married just as you want to do a pretty girl without a dollar to her name." "You are pretty, my darling, and you know it," said Jack, bitterly. "I don't know why people care for me if I am not, for I'm afraid there isn't much in me; and at the age of seventeen one may at least lay claim to la beauté du diable.

'You will find Milord the same as ever toujours galant; always thinking of la beauté, et les femmes. Lord Dungory was the kind of man that is often seen with the Mrs. Barton type of woman. An elderly beau verging on the sixties, who, like Mrs. Barton, suggested a period. His period was very early Victorian, but he no longer wore a silk hat in the country.

«On monte beaucoup après avoir passé Vassen; ces environs sont d'une variété étonnante pour la beauté et la singularité des paysages. Des nappes d'eau, des cascades qui se précipitent de roches en roches, forment dix et quinze chutes avant de se perdre dans les sapins qui contrastent avec la blancheur des eaux toutes réduites en écume. Des maisons d'une construction particulière, placées contre les rochers pour les mettre

I will not have the vanity to apply to anything in this work the observation which M. Dacier makes in her preface to her Aristophanes: Je tiens pour une maxime constante, qu'une beaute mediocre plait plus generalement qu'une beaute sans defaut.

She leaned her arms carelessly on the table, and managed to glance into the lid of the boîte de beauté which he had given her. The expression in the eyes that looked into hers from the lid startled her. Where was her experience? She was ashamed of herself. Crudity was all very well with this man, but there were limits.