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The three took long walks, in the wet wintry weather, their hats twisting about on their heads, their skirts ballooning in the gale. By the middle of March Spring was tucking little patches of grass and buttercups in all the sheltered corners, the sunshine gained in warmth, the twilights lengthened. Fruit blossoms scented the air, and great rain-pools, in the roadways, gave back a clear blue sky.

He once pawned his watch with me, sir; that being my profession. I regret to say he redeemed it subsequently: otherwise I might have the pleasure of showing it to you. O yes, the theory of ballooning has long been a passion with me. But in deference to Mrs. Sheepshanks I have abstained from the actual practice until to-day.

Music was everywhere; and in the theatres, in the display of pyrotechnic eccentricities, or perhaps in ballooningbut that was Englishthe evening was variously spent. There may be dance-houses and other abominations in Berlin, as in Hamburg, but I never heard of them, and if they existed, more was the pity.

But I admire the obstinacy of your suspicions; since, as a matter of fact, I am Champdivers." "The mur " "Certainly not. I killed the man in fair duel." "Ha!" he eyed me with sour distrust. "That is what you have to prove." "Man alive, you don't expect me to demonstrate it up here, by the simple apparatus of ballooning?" "There is no talk of 'up here," said he, and reached for the valve-string.

My aid, indeed, came in usefully in assisting to stow the sail; although, in my haste not to be eclipsed by Tom Jerrold, I nearly got knocked off my perch on the foot-rope through the canvas ballooning out, in the same way as it did when Joe Fergusson so narrowly escaped death only three weeks or so before!

We have "presentiments" that people we love, who are climbing mountains, who are fond of ballooning, are in danger. The sister of a friend of mine who went out to the South African War as a volunteer had three presentiments of his death. He came home safe and sound, but admitted that on three distinct occasions he had been in imminent danger.

Among many and varied ballooning incidents which have occurred to the writer, there are some which may not unprofitably be compared with certain experiences already recorded of other aeronauts.

I hesitated until I knew that some one was awake in your room." "I'm glad you came," said Kent warmly. "And good God, how I would like to go with you, Bucky! If it wasn't for this thing in my chest, ballooning up for an explosion " "I wouldn't be going," interrupted O'Connor in a low voice. "If you were on your feet, Kent, there are a number of things that wouldn't be happening.

Having tried most things, he had taken to ballooning, as offering the largest amount of risk in the least possible space of time. He had been up in all kinds of balloons in all possible circumstances, and had come down in various ways. He had just now achieved a great feat, making a voyage from the Grampian Hills to the Orkney Islands.

In less than two years not only had the science of ballooning reached almost its highest development, but the balloon itself, as an aerostatic machine, had been brought to a state of perfection which has been but little improved upon up to the present hour.