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"Coquin," says William, "what are you doing with your eagle?" "Eating it," replies Badinguet; "what else can I do with it?" Little statuettes, too, of the "two friends," Badinguet and William, are in great request. William, with an immense moustache, scowls at Badinguet, who humbly kneels before him.

The street-hawkers are enjoying a perfect carnival the last editions of the papers the Tuileries' papers the caricatures of Badinguet portraits of the heroic Uhrich, and infallible cures for the small-pox or for worms, are offered for sale by stentorian lungs.

They would have left Badinguet on the throne EXPRESSLY to make peace, ready to put him in the galleys afterward. If they had known more, they would have known what the volunteers of '92 were and the retreat of Brunswick gained by bribery through Danton and Westermann. But no! always the same old story! always poppycock! There is now the Commune of Paris which is returning to the real Middle Ages!

From the few papers of any importance which have been discovered in the Imperial palaces, our friend Badinguet must have had an inkling when he last left Paris that he might not return, and must have put his papers in order, i.e., in the fire-place. Evening. I am very much afraid that it will be some time before my letters reach you, if indeed they ever do.

They saw it such as it really was: the ridiculous nicknames "Big-beak," "Badinguet," vanished; they saw the bandit, they saw the true contraffatto hidden under the false Bonaparte. There was a shudder! It was this then which this man held in reserve! Apologies have been attempted, they could but fail.

Poor old Badinguet has enough to answer for already, but even sensible Frenchmen have persuaded themselves that he, and he alone, is responsible for the war. He is absolutely loathed here. An American, who took an active part in the Confederate defence of Richmond, has just been in to see me.

Then, remarking that it was near the dejeuner hour, he told M. de la Ferriere to see that Montbard and myself were suitably entertained. I do not think that I had any particular political opinions at that time. Montbard, however, was a Republican in fact, a future Communard and I know that he did not appreciate his virtually enforced introduction to the so-called "Badinguet."

He was known in the district as Daddy Feuillet, or Feuillette, or Daddy la Feuillette and to tease him they used to call him La Fayette: for politically the old fellow was one of the reds: as a young man he had been mixed up in the Commune, sentenced to death, and finally deported: he was proud of his memories, and was always rancorously inclined to lump together Badinguet, Galliffet, and Foutriquet.

It is amusing to observe how every one has entered into the conspiracy to persuade the world that the French nation never desired war to hear them, one would suppose that the Rhine had never been called the national frontier of France, and that the war had been entered into by Badinguet, as they style the late Emperor, against the wishes of the army, the peasantry, and the bourgeoisie.

When history clears up the burning of Paris, it will find several elements among which are, without any doubt: the Prussians, and the people of Badinguet; they have NO LONGER ANY written proof against the Empire, and Haussman is going to present himself boldly to the elections of Paris. Have you read, among the documents found in the Tuileries last September, a plot of a novel by Isidore?