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She sinks, her arms are raised like those of a victim; she sinks overcome, done to death or worse in some horrible asphyxiation. And through the torrid twilight of the approaching storm the cry of the hyena is heard. His claws are upon the crumbling tombs. The suffocating girl utters a thin wail. The vulture pauses, and is stationary on the white and desert skies.

In a few instances on the battle-field sudden syncope, or apparent death, has possibly led to premature interment; but in the present day this is surely a very rare occurrence. There is also a danger of mistake from cases of asphyxiation, drowning, and similar sudden suspensions of the vital functions.

In judicial hanging, death is not due to asphyxiation, but, owing to the long drop, the cervical vertebræ are dislocated, and the spinal cord injured so high up that almost instant death takes place. On dissection the muscles and ligaments of the windpipe may be found stretched, bruised, or torn, and the inner coats of the carotid arteries are sometimes found divided.

Fortunately, the hole through the lid which received the down spout was of large dimensions, so that even though he might not have plenty of air, he would be in no danger of asphyxiation. The night was very still. Listening intently, he could not hear the slightest sound.

From the waist up he was clawed, bitten, and bruised so badly that he was a fearsome spectacle; his left arm was dislocated, three fingers of his right hand were broken, and his muscles were so wrenched that for a week afterward he moved like a cripple; but his present unconsciousness was largely due to exhaustion and partial asphyxiation.

I repeated, determined to get some kind of answer from him. He turned to Leslie. "It was no ordinary asphyxiation, Doctor," he said quickly. Leslie nodded. "I could see that," he admitted. "We have to deal in this case," continued Kennedy, his will-power overcoming his weakness, "with a poison which is apparently among the most subtle known.

It is necessary to be cautious and not to ascribe to environment, as some do, the sole influence. Every individual is the creature of heredity plus environment plus his own will. But it is not possible to overlook environment as some do, and expect by a miracle to make or preserve character in the midst of conditions of spiritual asphyxiation.

It was like the black hole in the ground which haunted Hal's imagination, with men and boys at the bottom of it, dying of asphyxiation! Suddenly it came to Hal he wanted to get away from North Valley! To get away at all costs!

After the accident he had little pain or oppression, and no coughing, but twelve hours afterward he rejected the seed in coughing. A curious accident is that in which a foreign body thrown into the air and caught in the mouth has caused immediate asphyxiation.

A pamphlet called "The Old Martyrs' Prison," says of Cunningham: "His hatred of the Americans found vent in torture by searing irons and secret scourges to those who fell under the ban of his displeasure. The prisoners were crowded together so closely that many fell ill from partial asphyxiation, and starved to death for want of the food which he sold to enrich himself."