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Charlemagne conquered Hungary in the year 800, and obliged the inhabitants to profess Christianity, when Modestus likewise preached to the Venedi, at the source of the Save and Drave. In 833, Ansgarius preached in Denmark, Gaudibert in Sweden, and about 861, Methodius and Cyril, in Bohemia.

Rebecca looked at her father, and so did Lintzow; the worthy Pastor pulled a face upon which even Ansgarius could read a confession of crime. "I can't possibly believe," began Mrs. Hartvig, "that you, Pastor, have been conspiring with " And then he could not help laughing and making a clean breast of it, amid great merriment, while the boys in triumph produced the parcel with the game.

Ansgarius, and there, in that Christian town, the spell of the sorcerer would be removed. But he would not let her sit before him on the horse, though of her own free will she wished to do so. "Thou must sit behind me, not before me," said he. "Thy magic beauty has a magic power which comes from an evil origin, and I fear it; still I am sure to overcome through my faith in Christ."

Ansgarius looked forward to the winter to perilous expeditions through the snow-drifts and pitch-dark evenings with thundering breakers. He already turned to account the ice which lay on the puddles after the frosty nights, by making all his tin soldiers, with two brass cannons, march out upon it.

Ansgar, or Ansgarius, built the first church in Denmark at Hedeby, now Slesvig, in 840 A.D. xvi The "twilight of the Gods", when the Asir were to fight against the powers of evil, and a new order should commence. xvii The Danes traced their origin back to a great migration from the East, under Odin. Their priesthood was vested in the head of the tribe after the ancient patriarchal custom.

But for Ansgarius the little traffic that came their way was an inexhaustible source of excitement. While the father and daughter stood on the threshold discussing whether they should follow the road or go through the heather down to the beach, the young warrior suddenly came rushing up the hill and into the yard. He was flushed and out of breath, and Bucephalus was going at a hand gallop.

Ansgarius pinned his faith to what he found in his book; and there it was nothing but war after war. The people were all soldiers, the heroes waded in blood; and it was fruitless labor for the Pastor to try to awaken the boy to any sympathy with those whose blood they waded in.

Among these was a young Christian priest, one of those who contemned the gods of the North. Often in those later times there had been a talk, in hall and chamber, of the new faith that was spreading far and wide in the South, and which, by means of Saint Ansgarius, had penetrated as far as Hedeby on the Schlei.

"Three phaetons are coming with townspeople in them," said Ansgarius, and dismounted with an abashed air. "Let us go in, Rebecca," said the Pastor, turning. But at the same moment the foremost horses came at a quick pace over the brow of the hill.

Ansgarius would be a man of peace none the less and if not! "Well, everything is in the hand of Providence," said the Pastor confidingly, and set to work again at his sermon. "You're quite forgetting your lunch to-day, father," said a blond head in the door-way. "Why, so I am, Rebecca; I'm a whole hour too late," answered the father, and went at once into the dining-room.