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It's foolish of me to marry you when I know so little about you ... and that little scares me!..." "What scares you!" "Your selfishness scares me. You are selfish. You're frightfully selfish. You think of nothing and no one but yourself!..." "Amn't I always thinking of you?" "Oh, yes, but only because you want me to marry you. That's all!" He was very puzzled by this statement.

Lilly shook her head, and her eyes filled with tears, at the manly and modest generosity of the pedlar. "Little you know then, Mr. Magrath, the load you have taken off my dear mistress's heart, and the delight you have brought upon the whole family." "Well, Lilly dear, sure if I did, amn't I well paid, for it? thanks to your two sweet lips for that.

Wife "Chorp an diouol, Brian, hould your tongue, Or I'll turn you out o' the kitchen. One can't hear their own ears for you, you poor squakin' dhrone. By the crass, I'll eh? Will you whisht, now?" Farmer "Go an. Amn't I dhrawin' my pipe?" Wife "Well dhraw it; but don't dhraw me down upon you, barrin . Do you hear me? an' the sthrange people to the fore, too!

He sank back, exhausted, holding his brother's hand in his left, and his mute heart-broken bride's in his right. A calm, or rather torpor, followed, which lasted until his awakening spirit, in returning consciousness of life and love, made a last effort to dissolve in a farewell embrace upon the pure bosom of his virgin wife. "Alley," said he, "are you not my wife, and amn't I your husband?

And they walked through the bog, James talking to the priest all the way, for it was seldom he had anyone to talk to. "Now I must not take you any further from your digging." "Sure there's time enough," said James, "amn't I there all day." "I'll go and see Mike Mulhare myself," said the priest. "Long life to your reverence." "And I will try to get you the price of the pig."

"Faix, Thomaus," says he, smiling across the table at him mighty agreeable, "it's no lie what they tell me, that yourself is the pleasant man over the dhrop ov good liquor." "Would you like to thry?" says his Riv'rence. "Sure, and amn't I thrying all I can?" says the Pope.

... Bigged a bower on yon burn-brae, And theekit it o'er wi' rashes!" "For gude sake!" said Mungo, terrified again at this mad lilting from a man who had anything but song upon his countenance. "You're sure ye didnae see the letter?" asked the Chamberlain again. "Amn't I tellin' ye?" said Mungo. "It's a pity," said the Chamberlain, staring at the lantern, with eyes that saw nothing.

It was long before I discovered they were chief, for my brothers that were out and in kept it from me for their own reasons, and they never kent my feeling. But when she was cried and married and kirked, each time it was a dagger at my heart. Amn't I the stupid old cailleach, my dear, to be talking of such a thing?

"A believe that; A ken that, Aadam," returned old Loudon drily; "and the curiis thing is, I'm no very carin'. See here, ma man," he continued, addressing himself to me. "A'm your grandfaither, amn't I not? Never you mind what Aadam says. A'll see justice dune ye. A'm rich." "Father," said Uncle Adam, "I would like one word with you in private." I rose to go.

"But sure if the captain was alive," said Mogue, "it 'ud be a different thing that I may be happy, but I'm bringin' her the right way, and to the right place, too amn't I, boys?" he exclaimed, turning to his followers. "All's right!" they replied; "to be sure you are go on, and more powers!"