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"She will set up a squeal, and there are lots of flats in this building, and goodness knows what they would think of us. . . . Do try and explain to her, my dear fellow. . . ." A minute later the deep drone of Alexey Nikolaitch's voice was audible again. A quarter of an hour passed, and instead of his bass there was the murmur of the accountant's powerful tenor."

His life had been a happy one since his marriage with Henriette, so long the object of his hopes and wishes since first he came to know her at Chene, filling her dead mother's place when only six years old and keeping the house for her father, the tax-collector; while he, entering the big refinery almost on the footing of a laborer, was picking up an education as best he could, and fitting himself for the accountant's position which was the reward of his unremitting toil.

Going to live in the country, viewed dispassionately as an accountant's balance sheet, has attributes that can be recorded in black ink as well as those that require a robust crimson.

The moon was still up, and the sky less overcast, when our amateur trappers quitted the encampment, and, descending to the mouth of the little brook, took their way over North River in the direction of the accountant's traps.

Fetherstone a reclaimer of bog Reclamation of bog in England Second Report of Relief Commissioners Relief Works closed too rapidly The twenty per cent. rule M. Labouchere's reply to Smith O'Brien Letter from Colonel Jones The Premier's promise The Claremorris deanery Effect of the dismissals in various parts of the country Soup kitchens attacked Third Report of the Relief Commissioners Questions from Inspectors O'Connell's last illness His attempt to reach Rome His death His character Remaining reports of the Relief Commissioners The Accountant's department Number of rations Money spent.

"I'll tell you the story," replied the accountant, drawing a few vigorous whiffs of smoke, to prevent his pipe going out while he spoke. As the story in question, however, depicts a new phase of society in the woods, it deserves a chapter to itself. The accountant's story. "Spring had passed away, and York Fort was filled with all the bustle and activity of summer.

Independent of this, the substitute above alluded to would be extremely expedient, inasmuch as it would greatly simplify the plan of administration, the accountant's department would be freed from the most painful part of its labors, and the district magistrates and sub-collectors would not so frequently be entangled in their accounts, and exposed to expensive and interminable lawsuits, as now so often happens.

His blood boiled at the idea that the Prussians might come and plunder the house, for which he had toiled so long and which had as yet afforded him so little enjoyment. He heard a voice summoning him from the street. "I say, Weiss, are you awake?" He descended and found it was Delaherche, who had passed the night at his dyehouse, a large brick structure, next door to the accountant's abode.

"In a minute," he told her. "I'll just finish these two letters and then I'll go and break him off short." Marise went on to the accountant's desk, to ask about his wife, who sang in her winter chorus. He dictated rapidly: "No more contracts will go out to you if this stripping of the mountain-land continues.

Between the inner and outer courtyard were two sets of heavier doors and two equally heavy were at the street entrance of the outer courtyard. On the stair-landing was the chained-up porter-accountant seated under the window on a backless stool by a small, heavy accountant's table on which stood a tall clepsydra by his big account-book.