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They ceased to fancy the smell of burning and to be victimized by the illusion that a little tongue of flame darted out behind them. Albert gained access to the accountant's cupboard, and pulled out a number of books, over which they pored side by side. 'Here you are! exclaimed Simon presently. 'Receipts. January 9. And Albert read: 'No. 6,766, Mrs. Poidevin, 37, Prince's Gate; vinolia.

"I can't let you know about this at once," was the accountant's discouraging response when Grace laid the matter before him. "We'll take it up with the saleswoman, then write you." "Very well. I shall expect to hear from you within the next three days." Grace turned away, far from satisfied. Yet there was nothing else to do.

One of the men had his wife with him, and she imported chickens and later even ducks which never, however, set web-foot in water. And they had a garden because they decided they were so in need of green vegetables. They turned a little priceless water from the condenser into the garden; but not enough for the vegetables and too much for the accountant's books.

Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed; a stream of manufactured goods, rubbishy cottons, beads, and brass-wire set into the depths of darkness, and in return came a precious trickle of ivory. "I had to wait in the station for ten days an eternity. I lived in a hut in the yard, but to be out of the chaos I would sometimes get into the accountant's office.

I have marked the items down upon this paper for your inspection. Frank glanced his practised eyes over the results of the accountant's morning's work. 'You have credited him within a hundred and twenty pounds in the bank, I see. 'Yes, his bank-book shows a balance of that amount. 'When was it made out? 'Last Saturday. 'He may have drawn it since them. 'It is certainly possible.

A wave of blood mounted to the accountant's face, fell back, returned again, bringing each time a confused whizzing into his ears, into his brain a tumult of thoughts and images. His daughters! What was to become of them? Employment is so hard to find at that period of the year.