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Updated: August 11, 2024

He had three sons, all of whom entered a military life, which seems to have had peculiar attractions to this gallant family. The eldest, the late General Thomas Roberts, raised a regiment, which became the 111th, and it is said he frequently officiated as Gold Stick in Waiting to George the Third.

And the 111th: 'O for my sake do thou with Fortune chide, The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds, That did not better for my life provide Than public means, which public manners breeds. Thence comes it that my name receives a brand, And almost thence my nature is subdued To what it works on, like the dyer's hand. Pity me, then, and wish I were renewed.

the minister looked down and thought how well the words described the sunny-faced old saint, and Angus looked up and felt how aptly they fitted his pastor. Dr. Leslie had had Angus in his mind this morning when he chose the 111th psalm for their opening praise, knowing how the old man's heart would be lifted to his God this morning.

It may seem strange that so great a dramatist as Shakespeare, who realised his own perfection as an artist and his humanity as a man on the ideal plane of stage-writing and stage-playing, should have written in these terms about the theatre; but we must remember that in Sonnets CX. and CXI. Shakespeare shows us that he too was wearied of the world of puppets, and full of shame at having made himself 'a motley to the view. The 111th Sonnet is especially bitter:

'We will have all sorts of games, only I'm afraid they will be much stupider than the Irish girls. 'And ever so much stupider than the dear 111th children, sighed Mysie. 'Aren't they all great big girls? asked Valetta, disconsolately. 'I believe twelve years old is the limit, said her mother. 'Twelve- year-old girls have plenty of play in them, Vals, haven't they, Mysie?

'The Miss Hacket were sister or daughters or something to some old man who used to be clergyman here, and they are all married up but these two, and they've got the dearest little house you ever saw. They had a nephew in the 111th, and so they came and called on us at once.

Jones, asking him to be kind enough to secure, if possible, the statements of any additional witnesses who might have been present on this occasion, and he sent me, in response to this request, the following affidavit, signed by five of the witnesses who were present at the time: California Psychical Research Society, San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 3, 1920. Dr. Hereward Carrington. 504 West 111th St.

I've heard the ladies, when we were with the dear old 111th, telling mamma how they envied her her trustworthy treasure. 'I'm sure they might have had her at half-price, said Wilfred. 'She's be dear at a farthing! At that moment Mrs.

Vincent Jones sent me the following letter, in answer to my questions, which I also quote: San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 10, 1920. Dr. Hereward Carrington. 504 West 111th St. New York City. Dear Dr. Carrington. Here is the signed statement I promised you, and the better print of the cross photo.

The simplest way to illustrate the peculiar value of the projector will be to quote from one or two of the many Intelligence reports collected. Thus from a captured document dated July, 1917, belonging to the 111th German Division, signed Von Busse, we have: "The enemy has combined in this new process the advantages of gas clouds and gas shells.

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