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No girl could trifle with a man to the extent of having his bicycle leaning against the verandah post all night and mean nothing by it. More than that he had been to tea at the judge's house fourteen times, and seven times he had been asked by Lilian Drone to the rectory when Zena was coming, and five times by Nora Gallagher to tea at the doctor's house because Zena was there.

Pupkin felt when he first spoke with Zena and sat beside her as they copied out the "endless chain" letter asking for ten cents.

I think Cockran is fully persuaded that I am helping him to snap the handcuffs on to your wrists. The capture of a brother detective would be a fine case to have to his credit, wouldn't it?" "I hope you are not doing anything risky, dear," said Zena. "What! Is your faith in Murray growing weak, too?" laughed Quarles.

I have already mentioned, I think, how Mr. Pupkin and Zena Pepperleigh first came to know one another. Like everything else about them, it was a sheer matter of coincidence, quite inexplicable unless you understand that these things are fore-ordained. That, of course, is the way with fore-ordained affairs and that's where they differ from ordinary love. I won't even try to describe how Mr.

But just as soon as he had seen Zena Pepperleigh he couldn't hear enough of them. He would have talked with Tompkins for hours about the judge's dog Rover. And as for Zena, if he could have brought her name over his lips, he would have talked of her forever. He first saw her by one of the strangest coincidences in the world on the Main Street of Mariposa.

One of the lamps of the taxi, and only one of them, had recently been removed from its socket. I imagine he took it to make quite sure that Lady Tavener was dead." "But he had often driven Lady Tavener. Why had he waited so long?" said Zena. "And what reason had he for the murder?" I asked.

Yet in spite of this, Pupkin felt that the thing was hopeless: which only illustrates the dreadful ups and downs, the wild alternations of hope and despair that characterise an exceptional affair of this sort. Yes, it was hopeless. Every time that Pupkin watched Zena praying in church, he knew that she was too good for him.

The man had arrived at that stage of drunkenness where affection is felt for the universe. "I'm good f'ler, girls," he said convincingly. "I'm good f'ler. An'body treats me right, I allus trea's zena right! See?" The women nodded their heads approvingly. "To be sure," they cried in hearty chorus. "You're the kind of a man we like, Pete. You're outa sight! What yeh goin' to buy this time, dear?"

He had constantly driven Lady Tavener, and was probably aware that some of her friends were not her husband's. At any rate, some remark of this kind would allay her suspicions, and then " "He murdered her?" asked Zena sharply. "Well, I fancy this is where we come to the question of suicide," said Quarles.

Still, he was bitter. They all were in Mariposa. Pupkin could just imagine how they would despise his father! And Zena! That was the worst of all. How often had, Pupkin heard her say that she simply hated diamonds wouldn't wear them, despised them, wouldn't give a thank you for a whole tiara of them!