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Updated: August 7, 2024

Of course the M. Durand of to-day knows what happened to his respected parents; he knows what to think of the good, honest, considerate German soldiery; and, if he can help it, he will not in any similar case leave so much as a wooden spoon to be carried off to the Fatherland, and added as yet another trophy to the hundred thousand French clocks and the million French nick-nacks which are still preserved there as mementoes of the "grosse Zeit."

"Es ist eine Lust, in deiser Zeit zu leben!" cried Paul Habor, as he walked with Wilhelm and Dr. Schrotter on the first sunny day the following April. They walked under the lindens full of leaf through the Thiergarten, and home over the Charlottenburger Brucke. The spirit in which he uttered Hutten's words was at that time dominant and far-reaching.

The parallel between Balder and Isfendiyar was pointed out in the "Lexicon Mythologicum" appended to the Edda Rhythmifa seu Antiquior, vulgo Saemundina dicta, Pars iii. It is briefly mentioned by Dr. P. Wagler, Die Eiche in alter und neuer Zeit, ii. The Lenten Fires

In Sculpture, Pliny and Cicero are the most noted critics. There is a fine article in the Encyclopedia Britannica on this subject. In Smith's Dictionary are the lives and works of the most noted masters. Muller's Ancient Art alludes to the leading masterpieces. Zeit.; David's Essai sur le Classement Chronol. des Sculpteurs Grecs les plus celebres.

Thus in Munich, in 1908, a man who had given gonorrhoea to a servant-girl was sent to prison for ten months on this ground. The state of German opinion to-day on this subject is summarized by Bloch, Sexualleben unserer Zeit, p. 424. A. Després, La Prostitution

Karl Kautsky in Die Neue Zeit, 1909, p. 680. Winston Churchill, op. cit., pp. 77, 336, 337. Die Neue Zeit, June 11, 1911. This new movement in its purely economic, as well as its political, bearings is of far greater moment to Socialists than the political tendencies of those unions that continue to follow the old tactics in their direct relations with employers.

This illness, bringing Fechner face to face with inner desperation, made a great crisis in his life. 'Had I not then clung to the faith, he writes, 'that clinging to faith would somehow or other work its reward, so hätte ich jene zeit nicht ausgehalten. His religious and cosmological faiths saved him thenceforward one great aim with him was to work out and communicate these faiths to the world.

"I don't want to give you pain, but I must tell you again what I told you long ago: you have passed completely out of my life. If you had not done so before, the publication of that article in the Zeit Geist would force me to tell you that you had done so now. To me my religion has always been a living thing; my Bible has been my guide.

And Eichendorff in turn credited Goethe with the remark that "Loeben war der vorzüglichste Dichter jener Zeit." His influence on Platen is not quite so certain; Loeben was Platen's senior by ten years, and they resembled each other in their ability to employ difficult verse and strophe forms, and Platen read Loeben in 1824.

Kautsky, "Der Aufstand in Baden," in the Neue Zeit, 1910, p. 624. The Socialist Review, April, 1909. The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1911. The New York Call, Jan. 6 and 8, 1912. The New York Call, Jan. 9, 1912. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 114-116. "Parlamentarismus und Demokratie," 1911 edition, pp. 14-15.

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