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She had had more than enough of Zalapata as well as Atlamalco, and yearned for the return of Jack's yacht, when they could flit from a country which she had come to detest unutterably.

Standing beside one another for a minute or two, the American asked his guide: "Did General Yozarro start for this point when he left Atlamalco in his tug?" "I heard him say he intended to take the Señorita to Zalapata to meet her brother, and Señorita Estacardo went along to bear her company." "That's what the villain told me; did he pass beyond this point?" "He did so for several miles."

It was on the tongue of Miss Starland to declare that she would prefer a hundred times that eventuality to remaining in charge of the Atlamalcans, but instead, her companion said what was in the minds of both: "The order of General Yozarro may apply to me, but cannot apply to my friend who owes no allegiance to Atlamalco or Zalapata.

"What do you intend to do with the boat?" "Take you to Zalapata; it would serve him right if I scuttled it, but I will turn it over to Bambos to keep or destroy as he pleases " She was about to speak, when shouts and calls caused both to hurry outside.

"I am eager as always to right any wrong and to correct any misunderstanding." "Three days ago when your excellent gunboat was at target practice, on the Rio Rubio, one of the shots injured the dwelling of a citizen of Zalapata."

"Not much!" muttered Major Starland, loud enough for all to hear; "is that the way you reward one of your bravest officers, General Bambos?" "I rule in Zalapata without the aid of los Americanos," was the freezing reply. "And without the aid of common gratitude and decency, that is evident."

The other recovered his wits at the same moment, liberated the blade by the method indicated, and flourished it so far aloft that the keen point nipped the ceiling. "The time has come to draw the sword! Liberty, justice, equality and right is the war cry of the patriots of Zalapata!"

The yacht which had brought her to this part of the world was still absent. In neither direction could she catch a glimpse of Atlamalco or Zalapata. The other window opened to the south, or toward the mountains, where the view had no interest for her. As she had done before, she remarked upon the massiveness of the walls and the straightness of the window openings.

The western half of the island forms the Republic of Atlamalco, whose President and Dictator is General Pedro Yozarro; the eastern half constitutes Zalapata, with General Fernando de Bambos at its head. The name "republic," as applied to the peppery provinces has as much appropriateness as if given to Russia or China.

"I have a pleasant surprise for you," said the President, after his caller had expressed his acknowledgments; "the Señorita made known so warm a wish to see her brother that I hastened to take her, as she and I supposed, to him." "I do not understand your Excellency." "She is now at Zalapata, whither she went in our gunboat." "When?"