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Then the boat would return to Zalapata for its owner, and continue on to Atlamalco, there to receive the young woman for the homeward voyage. Major Jack Starland was considerate enough to decide to remain most of the time at the capital of General Bambos, knowing the school mates would wish to devote the all too-brief period to each other. Consequently he would only be in the way.

It will do no harm, however, to be certain. If you could have your wish you would be in Zalapata tonight?" "Most assuredly I should." "Because the Major is there, but if he chanced to be away, your situation would be no better than at Atlamalco." "I am certain it would be a thousand-fold better."

"Yes," added his host; "she had but to make known her wish, when she and her friend Señorita Manuela, my niece, became my guests on my gunboat, and were landed at Zalapata last evening, where she will be disappointed to find you absent, though your meeting will be deferred but a short time."

"Comrades," said the General, as he heaved ponderously to his feet, addressing the two who sat at the table, listening expectantly to him, "you will agree with me that golden opportunities come to nations as well as to men. Such an opportunity has opened to the Republic of Zalapata."

Zalapata and Atlamalco are illustrations; they are continually quarreling and at war over trifles that would shame a couple of schoolboys." "All that is ended; henceforth General Yozarro and I are brothers, and the two republics will join hands in the path of progress.

Suppose we take the ride to Zalapata on my gunboat this evening?" "That will be delightful!" exclaimed the niece, and though it was not the exact arrangement her friend wished, she could offer no objection and it was so agreed.

It seemed more probable that he had hurried down the river toward Zalapata to meet his antagonist, who may have turned and fled to his own town. Even this looked unlikely, but it was the only explanation that presented itself. She would have liked to converse with her friend, but the circumstances were unfavorable.

May I ask what you think General Yozarro's plan is?" "He does not understand why I refused to obey his signal, and there will be a hot quarrel over it when we meet. He expects me to return, sooner or later, for he must know that the purpose of yourself is to reach Zalapata with the Señorita, after which I shall be at liberty to return to Atlamalco.

"No doubt General Yozarro will be able to float another loan big enough to provide his navy with a new screw; until then, he may limp along as best he can." At this moment, Mate Horton came forward with the same question. "We might tow them down to Zalapata, even with General Bambos on board, but I am not impressed that it is my duty.

The party was stationary, though still near enough to the Castle to justify uneasiness. "Where are we going, Jack?" "To the river; we have a boat there, in which we shall sail to Zalapata, there to stay till the yacht returns, and then good bye to this infernal country forever." "And none will be gladder than I; but what of General Yozarro?