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"Doctor was here after you left yestiddy," she said. "You'd 'a' thought he'd been at that window peekin' in. He didn't believe me at all when I told him Lois was takin' her medicine reg'lar. He says she's gettin' worse every day since Choosday, and if she don't take her medicine reg'lar, he can't do her no good.

The man's eyes broke into vehement challenge. "So long es thar's life in me I won't fergit hit!" "I reckon ye'd better heer me out," she reminded him with an ominous note and he nodded his head, waiting, while she continued. "Yestiddy I seemed crazed but terday I hain't. Ye 'pears ter be right sartain thet I loves ye. I don't know, but I either loves ye or I hates ye like all hell.

"What we want," said one man, "is to catch 'em in the act. They was timid last night and the fust little noise we made they was off. Are you one o' them scouts as seen 'em yestiddy?" "I have seen the little peddler," asserted Matt. "I didn't think he had spunk enough to rob a blind man." "Mebbe he has mebbe he ain't. It don't allus take spunk.

Why, you've slept nigh on to four hours, and nobody in Stonewall Jackson's army is ever expected to sleep more'n three and that's gospel truth, as shore's my name is Sam Martin." "But, Sam, you don't tell me what's happened!" "It's as simple as A, B, C. We're movin' ag'in, and that fine June day yestiddy that we liked so much is gone forever.

An' thar's no gittin' them out, nuther. I snaked under the house yestiddy an' sarched, an' sarched! an' I never fund but two. An' Towse, he dragged hisself under thar, too jes' a-growlin' an' a- snappin'. I thought fur sartin every minit he'd bite my foot off."

"Oh, well, Thekla she aint such a fool like she looks!" he observed to the cat, "say, pussy, WAS it you out yestiddy?" The cat only blinked her yellow eyes and purred. She knew that she had not been out, last night. Not any better than her mistress, however, who at this moment was hailing a street-car.

An' guide me, for I need it me that in spite of all You've done for me, doubted You but yestiddy. Amen." It was a simple, homely prayer, but it comforted even Captain Tom, and when Jack Bracken put him to bed that night, even the outlaw felt that the morning of a new era would awaken them. It was twilight when Mrs.

"What do you mean, Mrs. Flannagan? Please explain," said the long-suffering Charity lady. "I mean this," said Mrs. Flannagan. "With my own two eyes I seen 'em yestiddy afternoon Mrs. Callahan and them four biggest children walkin' down the street like a rainbow in silk and satin and lace, goin' past my house 'thout lookin' at me any more'n I was one of them cobblestones.

"She's over in yon' house," the other answered, pointing with his pipe to a cabin some twenty rods beyond them. "Thar's two children sick thar an' the mammy dead an' buried in the ground." "Is the plague getting worse?" Cartwright asked. "No, I reckon it's better. Nobody has come down since the day before yestiddy. Thar's the doctor comin'. He kin tell ye."

I think I'm a plum fool not ter have wrang the neck er that ol' dominick rooster yestiddy when he spent the whole day a crowin' fer comp'ny. I pretty nigh knowed we were in fer some kind er visitation." "Maybe he was crowing for our house party," suggested Nan. "No, honey, that there rooster don't never crow for 'vited comp'ny.