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"Youse keeps yer yap closed till youse gets de cue savvy? Dat's all! If youse play fair, mabbe youse'll get a look-in on de rake-off; if youse throws me down, the first shot I fires won't miss youse. Go on now, get down behind dat chair quick!"

If you were a little older I would call you 'aunty; if you were a little older still I would call you 'mammy; if very old, 'grandma Eunice. But as it is, I have to call you plain 'Eunice. My race would disrespect me if I didn't follow the rule, you know." "You wretched cur! You yap!" screamed Eunice.

"There, my love, do you hear her? I did my best for you. I was beginning your education." "Zeb! Zeb! Open the door this minute," was shouted outside. "You'll remember, my love, to your dying day, that I showed you three teeth and the bit of jawbone of a Chinaman who died a thousand years ago." "Zeb!" thundered the voice. "Yap! yap! yap!" barked the small dog. "You must go, my dear.

Nevertheless he spoke kindly to him; and Snap, who had had many a bit from his plate, could not help stopping for a minute to lick his hand. But no sooner did the gentleman proceed on his way, than Snap flew at his heels in the usual fashion "Yap! Yap! Yap!" The bottle of shaving-cream hit upon a stone and was smashed.

"Get down, Lahoma, and make yourself at home." The man shut his book. "What are you going to do?" "Going to visit you. Turn the pony loose, Lahoma; he won't go far." "Haven't you got all that north range to yourself?" Bill Atkins asked begrudgingly. "Yap. How're you making it, Atkins?" "Why, as long as I'm let alone, I'm making it all right. It's being let alone that I can't ever accomplish.

My men were unable to restrain themselves any longer, and as I shot for the second time, their rifles cracked just after mine. We now rushed up to close quarters. The bear, shot through the lungs, was breathing heavily and rapidly choking. Suddenly I heard a yap, and then, out over the marsh, came Stereke at full speed.

"The enemies of social order, beholding this contrast, take occasion to yap at justice, and wax wroth in the name of the people, because, forsooth, burglars and fowl-stealers are sent to the hulks, while a man who brings whole families to ruin by a fraudulent bankruptcy is let off with a few months' imprisonment.

"Think of this silly country yap making a speech in that big building before the Governor, State senators, principals of schools, and no telling who else! Why, I'll want to sink through the floor into the basement.

I'm goin' to look into this affair right away." He handed the Doctor his lantern, opened the door for him, and walked with him three parts of the way across the yard. As they passed the caravan door his quick ear noted a strange sound within. It resembled the muffled yap of a dog. But Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer did not keep a dog. He halted. "There's the gate.

Is this the beginning of the Master's rule? For a long time after he had left the place, the hooting, whistling and braying of the machines pursued him; "Galloop, Galloop," "Yahahah, Yaha, Yap! Yaha!" Is this the beginning of the Master's rule? Directly they were out upon the ways he began to question Asano closely on the nature of the Parisian struggle. "This disarmament! What was their trouble?