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Updated: August 2, 2024

An' he's been wi' me I kenna hoo lang, and he's wi' me noo. And I hae seen his face, and I'll see his face again. And I'll try sair to be a gude bairn. Eh me! It's jist wonnerfu! And God's jist....naething but God himsel'."

It's wonnerfu' the common sense o' bairns. Gin ye wad jist lat the Lord instruck them! I doobt we mak ower little o' them. Nae doobt they're born in sin, and brocht farth in iniquity; but gin they repent ear', they win far aheid o' the auld fowk." Thomas's sufferings had made him more gentle and more sure of Annie's election. He was one on whom affliction was not thrown away.

Mony a lump o' rock an' castel thegither has rowed doon the brae upon a' sides, an' the ruins may weel hae filled up the gully at last. It's a wonnerfu' auld place, my lord." "What would you do with it if it were yours, Malcolm?" asked Lady Florimel. "I wad spen' a my spare time patchin' 't up to gar 't stan' oot agane the wither. It's crum'let awa' a heap sin' I min'."

Them as ladles their wits oot o' other foak's brains gits nobbut middlin sarved." "You don't seem to miss Mr. Hubert very much?" said Laura, with a laughing look. Daffady scratched his head. "Noa they say he's doin wonnerfu well, deaen i' Froswick, an I'm juist glad on 't; for he wasna yan for work." "Why, Daffady, they say now he's killing himself with work!" Daffady grinned a cautious grin.

He too saw the wonder of the show, typical of so much in the world, indeed of the world itself the seemingly vile upholding and ministering to the life of the pure, the gracious, the fearless. Aware from his tone more than from his pronunciation that he was a fellow-countryman, I ventured to speak to him, and in a home-dialect. 'It's a wonnerfu' sicht. It's the cake o' Ezekiel ower again.

There's a heap o' wonnerfu' things there, they tell me; an' whiles a strokin win' an' whiles a rosy smell, an' whiles a bricht licht, an' whiles, they say, an auld yearnin' sang, 'ill brak oot, an' wanner awa doon, an' gang flittin' an' fleein' amang the sair herts o' the men an' women fowk 'at canna get things putten richt."

"Much good that will be!" replied the lady, with ill concealed scorn. "Ye think he wadna unnerstan' 't; but he unnerstan's wonnerfu'." "And you would come again, and tell me what he said? she murmured, with the eager persuasiveness of reviving hope. "Maybe ay, maybe no I winna promise. Hae ye ony answer to sen' back to my lord's letter, mem?" "No; I cannot write; I cannot even think.

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