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Updated: August 29, 2024

"By the way," said Gazen to me, "I've got a new theory for the rising and sinking of the sun behind the cliffs at Womla a theory that will simply explode Professor Possil, and shake the Royal Astronomical Society to its foundations." The astronomer and I were together in the observatory, where he was adjusting his telescope to look at the sun.

"In any case, darling, I cannot take you with me, for the vessel we came in is too small; but I will come back as soon as possible and stay with you in Womla. How happy we shall be!" "In Womla no. We should not be quite at rest." "Then we shall seek out some desert star where we can live only for each other." "You do not understand me.

After the sublime deserts of space, and the delightful paradise of Womla, the busy streets, the blinding glare of the lamps, the splashing vehicles, the blatant newspaper men, the swarms of people crossing each other's paths, and occasionally kicking each other's heels, everyone intent on his own affairs of business or pleasure, were disenchanting, to say the least.

Neither in Womla nor in a desert star could we be happy in a selfish love, knowing that others were in pain." "Better I had not spoken of my world at all." "No, a thousand times no!" cried Alumion with fervour. "For you have opened up to me a new source of happiness of blessedness which I have never known before. Only let us go together to your world and minister to the unfortunate."

So long as each planet was isolated, and left to manage its own affairs, the politics of the solar system were comparatively simple; but what will they be when one globe interferes with another? Think of a German fleet of ether-ships on the prowl for a cosmical empire, bombarding Womla, and turning it into a Prussian fortress, or an emporium for cheap goods."

They told us that far away to the east and west of Womla there was a desert land, covered with snow and ice, on which the sun never shone.

But I must say that since I agreed to your wishes in the matter, I think you owe me some concession, and I want you to leave me in Womla while you go on to Mercury, and then come back here to pick me up. That will give me a longer honeymoon." "Impossible, my dear fellow quite impossible," replied the professor. "Venus will be too far out of our way home.

They are a remarkably fine race, probably of mixed descent, for they found Womla inhabited, and their complexions vary from a dazzling blonde to an olive-green brunette. They are nearly all very handsome, both in face and figure, and I should say that many of them more than realise our ideals of beauty.

"Father was talking of that very matter the other night," said Miss Carmichael, "and he declared that rather than see any harm come to Womla he would keep his invention a secret at all events for a thousand years longer." We had glided rapidly across the Black Country, with its furnaces and forges blazing in the darkness, and now the dull red glow of the metropolis was visible on the horizon.

From all I had heard or seen there was no such place as this in Womla, and as it dawned upon me that they had migrated to some other island, or perhaps continent in Venus, I forgot my good resolution, and shouted indignantly, "Gazen, Gazen! Hallo there! Hallo!" There was no response, and the dead silence that swallowed up my voice was awful.

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