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Now a "wise" old man, who knew about Fairies, came to see the smith at work, and the poor man told him all about his trouble. Then the old man told him what to do.

You are never sure of your ground till, on the ruins of the towers of injustice and wrong, you erect the fortresses of justice and right. The wise way is to let truth fight her own battles. She will render a good account of all her foes.

GRANDY. "I have been silent for the last hour, principally because I do not feel very well this evening; but I cannot refrain from speaking a word or two before we disperse. A good and wise man says 'Full often, too, Our wayward intellect, the more we learn Of nature, overlooks her Author more.

XXIII. Shall I not, then, prefer the life of Plato and Archytas, manifestly wise and learned men, to his, than which nothing can possibly be more horrid, or miserable, or detestable?

If only one or two come in late when we are reading in the morning, or after we have composed ourselves to study at the close of the recess, every scholar must look up from her book we do not say they ought to do so, but only that they will do so. However, we anticipate an improvement in this respect, as we know 'a word to the wise is sufficient.

One may ask how I came to lose my father's kingdom, which should have been mine, and at last to be content with a simple English earldom; or how it was that a viking could be useful to Alfred, the wise king. So I will tell the first at once, and the rest may be learned from what comes after.

"Those who marry at an advanced age will probably escape the encroachments of their children, but in the diminution of this advantage they will be likely to leave them, ignorant and helpless, to a guardian's mercy; or if that should not happen, they must at least go out of the world before they see those whom they love best either wise or great.

After due consideration of the instructions and recommendations of experienced foreigners, and the details of exploration, which this report furnished them, the society thought it most wise to proceed with the undertaking. After seeking needed individual and governmental aid, and perfecting so far as possible the organization, the first colony was sent to Africa in 1820.

"It is ill to mock a spirit," the scald said; "wherefore do I believe the less that a Wise Woman will bide in the place that it haunts." So they talked until we came to the woodland; and when we came among the trees a silence fell on us. "It is of no use," I said, "let us go back. You are right, and she cannot bide here."

But I've also seen more than one rabbit lose his life in trying it." Rag early learnt what some rabbits never learn at all, that 'hole-up' is not such a fine ruse as it seems; it may be the certain safety of a wise rabbit, but soon or late is a sure death-trap to a fool. A young rabbit always thinks of it first, an old rabbit never tries it till all others fail.