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Then, finding none to take up her challenge, she strode out through the folk, and I after her, with the mirror in my hand; while the Cheap Jack picked himself out of the tub, whining, and the Astrologer wip'd his long white beard and soil'd robe. Outside the throng was a carriage, stopp'd for a minute by this tumult, and a servant at the horses' heads.

After the agonies of expulsion and the flaming sword "Some natural tears they drop'd, but wip'd them soon; The world was all before them where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide; They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow, Through Eden took their solitary way." Is it finally Samson Agonistes?

"Some natural tears they dropp'd, but wip'd them soon; The world was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide; They, hand in hand, with wand'ring steps and slow Through Eden took their solitary way; "

Letters are a treasure, and a trade never dies." Thus, or the like, we were bandying it about when Trimalchio return'd, and having wip'd the slops from his face, wash'd his hands, and in a very little time, "Pardon me, my friends," said he, "I have been costive for several days, and my physicians were to seek about it, when a suppository of pomegranate wine, with the liquor of a pine-tree and vinegar relieved me; and now I hope my belly may be ashamed if it keep no better order; for otherwise I have such a rumbling in my guts, you'd think an ox bellowed; and therefore if any of you has a mind, he need not blush for the matter; there's not one of us born without some defect or other, and I think no torment greater than wanting the benefit of going to stool, which is the only thing even Jupiter himself cannot prevent: And do you laugh, Fortunata, you that break me so often of my sleep by nights; I never denyed any man do that in my room might pleasure himself, and physicians will not allow us to keep any thing in our bodies longer than we needs must; or if ye have any farther occasion, every thing is ready in the next room: Water, chamber-pots, close-stools, or whatever else ye may need; believe me, this being hard-bound, if it get into the head, disturbs the whole body; I have known many a man lost by it, when they have been so modest to themselves as not to tell what they ailed."

I could not forbear laughing, but having saluted each other, I ask'd what business he had in so scandalous a place? He wip'd his face, and "if you knew," said he, "what has happened to me " "As what?" quoth I.

Then the confusion I was in, my disfigur'd face, with the equal baldness of my head and eye-brows, gave a ridiculous air to everything I said or did; but when they wip'd us with a wet spunge, the letters melting into one, spread o'er our faces such a sooty cloud that turn'd Lycas's rage to a perfect loathing.

But her poem on Queen Elizabeth has here and there a quiet sarcasm, and at one point at least rises into a fine scorn of the normal attitude toward women: She hath wip'd off the aspersion of her Sex, That women wisdome lack to play the Rex.

I then steep'd it in my own, and then in hers, and then in mine, and then I wip'd hers again; and as I did it, I felt such undescribable emotions within me, as I am sure could not be accounted for from any combinations of matter and motion. I am positive I have a soul; nor can all the books with which materialists have pester'd the world ever convince me to the contrary.

A very few excepted, their countenances indicated a high degree of satisfaction, though in some, the pang of being severed, perhaps for ever, from their native land, could not be wholly suppressed; in general, marks of distress were more perceptible among the men than the women; for I recollect to have seen but one of those affected on the occasion, "Some natural tears she dropp'd, but wip'd them soon."