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To be silent would be to imply that one was not having a good time, so we rattle and gobble on toward the finger-bowl winning-post, only to find that rest is not there!

Long before he got there the increased uproar of the spectators announced the final struggle; and looking over his shoulder, he saw white jacket hugging his horse home, closely followed by red, and shooting past the winning-post. 'Dash that Mr. Sponge! growled his lordship, as the cheers of the winners closed the scene.

The course was neatly marked out with small lights sprouting out of the boards, and the circle was at the winning-post, the starters being at the other end, some six feet away. I watched one heat. The earwigs seemed to me neither very speedy nor very intelligent, and all except one were apt to stop in mid-course and engage in personal encounters with each other.

Never was there better ground for the finish of a race; the earth was sandy, but firm, and as we saw the winning-post in the jungle that must terminate the hunt, we redoubled our exertions to close with the unflagging game. Suleiman's horse gave in we had been for about twenty minutes at a killing pace.

Though written in admiration, it seems to me to describe the most intolerable performance that could ever have afflicted society. He talked like a racehorse approaching the winning-post. Could the wit of man devise a more appalling image? Mr. Matthew Arnold once said to me: "People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is! Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can.

The conviction is gradually stealing over Jim that his opponent has a little the speed of him; his only chance, he thinks, is that his adversary may not quite "stay" home. The marquee of the th regiment, of which the Todborough party are the guests, is close to the winning-post, and as the competitors near it the excitement becomes intense.

Some who had been waiting for the boats at the winning-post had only just heard the news, and came in red-hot with excitement to learn particulars. "It's all a vile dodge," howled Wibberly, "to get their boat to the head of the river." "I'll bet anything the precious captain's at the bottom of it," shouted another. "He'd stick at nothing, I know."

"Very well, manage it your own way," was the reply. "When are you going to start?" "Oh, as soon as you like," said Dick. "Where's the winning-post?" "That white line up by the King's throne," said one of the fishes. And Dick, having given Fidge a very long start, and Marjorie a slight advantage, declared himself ready to begin. "One, to make ready, Two, to be steady, Three, and away!"

There were at least five words in every sentence that must have been very much astonished at the use they were put to, and yet no others apparently could so well have expressed his idea. He talked like a racehorse approaching the winning-post every muscle in action, and the utmost energy of expression flung out into every burst."

"Well, Frank, if you're determined to get yourself married, I'll give you the best advice in my power as to the means of doing it. Isn't that what you want?" "I want to know what you think I ought to do, just at this minute." "With matrimony as the winning-post?" "You know I wish to marry Fanny Wyndham." "And the sooner the better is that it?" "Of course.