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Updated: August 19, 2024

Great ladies must they be, at the web of politics, for us to hear them cited discoursing. Henry Wilmers is not content to quote the beautiful Mrs. Warwick, he attempts a portrait. Mrs. Warwick is 'quite Grecian. She might 'pose for a statue. He presents her in carpenter's lines, with a dab of school-box colours, effective to those whom the Keepsake fashion can stir.

'Or a French journalist an English missionary, said Westlake; and as the instance was recent it was relished. The talk of Premiers offered Whitmonby occasion for a flight to the Court of Vienna and Kaunitz. Wilmers told a droll story of Lord Busby's missing the Embassy there.

Seeing Tellio at one of Henry Wilmers' private concerts, Diana's lips twitched to dimples at the likeness her familiar had assumed. She had to compose her countenance to talk to him; but the moment of song was the trial.

'But as I am sure not to live very long, we may as well meet. Her meetings with Percy Dacier were therefore hardly shunned; and his behaviour did not warn her to discountenance them. It would have been cruel to exclude him from her select little dinners of eight. Whitmonby, Westlake, Henry Wilmers and the rest, she perhaps aiding, schooled him in the conversational art.

And if these are given to cry too much, to have their tender sentiments considered, it cannot be said that History requires the flaying of them. No similar blame is incurred by Henry Wilmers.

'When poor Madame de Jacquieres was dying, said Wilmers, 'her confessor sat by her bedside, prepared for his ministrations. "Pour commencer, mon ami, jamais je n'ai fait rien hors nature."

Whatever Mrs. Warwick did was evidently good to him. On another evening the party was composed of Lady Pennon, Lord Larrian, Miss Paynham, a clever Mrs. Wollasley, Mr. Henry Wilmers, and again Mr. Percy Dacier. When Diana came to Copsley, Lady Dunstane remarked on the recurrence of the name of Miss Paynham in the list of her guests. 'And Mr. Percy Dacier's too, said Diana, smiling.

Great ladies must they be, at the web of politics, for us to hear them cited discoursing. Henry Wilmers is not content to quote the beautiful Mrs. Warwick, he attempts a portrait. Mrs. Warwick is 'quite Grecian. She might 'pose for a statue. He presents her in carpenter's lines, with a dab of school-box colours, effective to those whom the Keepsake fashion can stir.

His cousin, the clever and cynical Dorset Wilmers, whose method of conveying his opinions without stating them was famous, repeats on two occasions when her name appears in his pages, 'handsome, lively, witty'; and the stressed repetition of calculated brevity while a fiery scandal was abroad concerning the lady, implies weighty substance the reservation of a constable's truncheon, that could legally have knocked her character down to the pavement.

Henry Wilmers notes a multitude of them. 'The talk fell upon our being creatures of habit, and how far it was good: She said: It is there that we see ourselves crutched between love grown old and indifference ageing to love. Critic ears not present at the conversation catch an echo of maxims and aphorisms overchannel, notwithstanding a feminine thrill in the irony of 'ageing to love. The quotation ranks rather among the testimonies to her charm.

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