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Pressing her hand, in intimation that he comprehended her hint, she shook his warmly in return, and bade God speed him. There was a cloud on John Whitecraft's brow; nor did his final farewell sound half so cordial as that which had been spoken within doors.

"But you may thank God," said Reilly, with a smile, "that you had not Sir Robert Whitecraft's luck." "Faith, sir," replied Fergus archly, "there's a pair of us may do so. You went nearer his luck such as it was than I did." "True enough," replied the other, with a serious air; "I had certainly a narrow escape; but I wish to know, as I said, what you intend to do?

The family papers and other available property are too well secreted for them to secure them. On discovering Whitecraft's jealousy, and knowing, as I did before, his vindictive spirit and power in the country, I lost no time in putting them in a safe place. Unless they burn the house they could never come at them.

When they had left the garden, Reilly addressed his Cooleen Bawn as follows: "Helen, I am discovered." "Discovered! O my God, no!" "Unquestionably, there is no doubt of it; it is certain." "But how do you know that it is certain?" "Because I observed that Whitecraft's eyes were never off my hands; he knew that a common laborer could not possibly have such hands.

"Very well, Molly, that will do; I may want them wanst more," he replied, pointing again with his thumb over his shoulder towards Whitecraft's residence; "so goodnight; be a good girl, and take care of yourself." "No," she replied, "but do you be a good boy, and take care of yourself." And so they parted for the night.

"Just for a reason I have: as for that fellow being Willy Reilly, he's no more Willy Reilly than I am; whatever he is, however, he's a good man and true, but must be guided by wiser heads than his own; and I now tell him ay, and you too that he won't see Sir Robert Whitecraft's treacherous face to-night, no more than myself." "Come," said one of them, "drag the idolatrous old rebel along.

"Very well, sir," replied the servant, "I shall do so." This occurred on the day of Whitecraft's visit to Squire Folliard, and it was on the evening of the same that Smellpriest was sent upon the usual chase, on the information of the Rev. Samson Strong; so that the events to which we have alluded occurred, as if by some secret relation to each other, on the same day.

Had his trial, he said, taken place previous to that of Whitecraft's, he might have escaped many of the consequences of Whitecraft's conviction; but now, should the latter be convicted, the opposing party would die in the jury-box rather than let Reilly escape. Preparations The Scales of Justice.

In truth, she entertained such a terror of Tom Steeple, who had been pointed out to her as a wild Irishman, not long caught in the mountains, that she stole out by the back way, and came, by making a circuit, out upon the road that led to Sir Robert Whitecraft's house, which she passed without entering, but went directly to Mary Malion's, who had provided a nurse for her illegitimate child in the neighborhood.

Now it so happened that on that very evening, before the premises had been set on fire, Mary Mahon, by O'Donnel's order, had entered the house, and under, as it were, the protection of the military, gathered up as much of Reilly's clothes and linen as she could conveniently carry to her cottage, which was in the immediate vicinity of Whitecraft's residence it being the interest of this hypocritical voluptuary to have the corrupt wretch near him.