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Fergus, you're a man not a woman and can't undherstand what true attachment is. You men never can. You're a selfish set at least the most of you are with some exceptions, I grant." "And, upon my soul, Ellen," replied Fergus, with a good-humored smile, "I'm one of the choicest and natest of the exceptions. I prefer everybody's happiness to my own poor Sir Robert Whitecraft's, for instance.

When the case was closed, the jury retired to their room, and as Sir Robert Whitecraft's fate depends upon their verdict, we will be kind enough to avail ourselves of the open sesame of our poor imagination to introduce our readers invisibly into the jury-room. "Now," said the foreman, "what's to be done? Are we to sacrifice a Protestant champion to Popery?" "To Popery!

At length having discovered by; what means it is impossible to conjecture that the Abbe was to go on the day in question to relieve a poor sick family, at about a distance of two miles from Castle , the intelligence was communicated by Hennessy to Sir Robert, who immediately set out for the place, attended by a party of his myrmidons, conducted to it by the Red Rapparee, who, as we have said, was now one of Whitecraft's band.

But perhaps the real cause of the conduct of the Government might be traced to Whitecraft's outrage upon a French subject in the person of the Abbe . The matter, as we have stated, was seriously taken up by the French Ambassador, in the name, and by the most positive instructions, of his Court.

"Stop, you cowardly robber!" she exclaimed; "would you bring down the curse and the vengeance of God upon both of us. We have enough and too much to answer for, let alone to rob the ould an' the poor." "Be aisy now," said he, "I'll make the search; sure I'm undher the scoundrel Whitecraft's protection."

You must come with us to Sir Robert Whitecraft; so must this other person who seems your companion." "Not a foot I'll go to Sir Eobert Whitecraft's to-night," replied the priest. "I have made my mind up against such a stretch at such an hour as this; and, with the help of God, I'll stick to my resolution." "Why do you refuse to go?" asked the man, a good deal surprised at such language.

It would be impossible to describe his appearance on hearing it; his head fell down upon his breast listless, helpless, and with a character of despair that was painful to contemplate. When the verdict was handed down, the judge immediately put on the black-cap; but Whitecraft's head was resting on his breast, and he did not for some time see it.

Considering the state of the country at that particular period, the matter began to assume a most important aspect, A portion of the Protestant party, by which we mean those who had sanctioned all Whitecraft's brutal and murderous excesses, called every energy and exertion into work, in order to defeat the Government and protect the leading man of their own clique.

The tears ran down the poor old woman's cheeks, and Reilly left her sobbing and crying behind him. This indeed was an eventful day to him, Strong in the confidence of his disguise, he took the public road, and had not gone far when he met a party of Sir Robert Whitecraft's. To fly would have been instant ruin; he accordingly commenced an old Irish song at the very top of his lungs.

You broke your agreement with me, wich is wat no man as is a gentleman would do; and you are puttin' me away, too, without no cause." "Cause, you vagabond! you'll find the cause squalling, I suppose, in Mary Mahon's cottage, somewhere near Sir Robert Whitecraft's; and when you see him, tell him I have a crow to pluck with him. Off, I say."