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Updated: August 27, 2024

I remember distinctly the day when the yacht first anchored within the Point. It was a Sunday morning and Nancy and I had climbed to the top of the house to the Captain's Walk, the white-railed square on the roof which gave a view of the harbor and of the sea. Nancy was twenty-five, slim and graceful. She wore that morning a short gray-velvet coat over white linen.

But it was not until they had crossed the long, white-railed bridge, at the end of Sandyfield street which spans not only the little brown river overhung by black-stemmed alders, but a bit of marsh, reminiscent of the ancient ford, lush with water grasses, beds of king-cups, and broad-leaved docks not until then did Colonel Ormiston make sustained effort at conversation.

They had left the shadow of the fir woods now. The carriage crossed the white-railed culvert bridging the little stream that takes its rise amid the pink and emerald mosses of the peat-bog, and meanders down the valley and entered the oak plantation just inside the park gate. Russet leaves in rustling, hurrying companies, fled up and away from the rapidly turning wheels and quick horse hoofs.

"It was good of you to come!" said Olive as her husband mounted the gangway to the white-railed deck. There was unmistakable sincerity in her greeting. "I'm to be captain of the 'Starlight' as soon as I get my skipper's ticket," confided the little boy as he shook hands. Matheson had made up his mind to carry out Elaine's wish.

Without hesitation or apology, Poppy walked straight through this apartment, and passed out on to the white-planked and white-railed balcony. The dome of the sky was immense and had become perfectly clear, the great clouds having boiled up during the afternoon only to sink away and vanish at sunset, as is their wont in seasons of drought.

"I am bored, Cappadocia," she said, with a yawn which she made not the slightest effort to stifle, "bored right through to my very marrow. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, how I do wish something would happen!" Poppy sat, propped up with scarlet silk cushions, in a cane deck-chair, on the white-railed balcony upon which the first-floor bedroom windows opened.

The carriage had just crossed the long, white-railed bridge, spanning the little river and space of marsh on either side, and now entered Sandyfield Street. The tops of the tall Lombardy poplars were lost in gloom. Now and again the redness of a lighted cottage window, blurred and contorted in shape, showed through the gray pall.

The same dim light showed the steep narrowness of the white-railed staircase mounting into gruesome little corners of shadows, while the miniature drawing-rooms illumined only from the street seemed to await an explanation of dimness and chairs unfilled, combined with unnatural silence.

The rough banks along the street had been levelled and sodded; young maples, set in rows, already made a long festoon of gold against the dingy house-fronts; and the houses themselves once so irreclaimably outlawed and degraded showed, in their white-curtained windows, their flowery white-railed yards, a growing approach to civilized human dwellings.

"It is!" cried the officer, standing in his stirrups, and smiling fondly at a point where, some three miles away by the line of sight, a dark roof crowned by a white-railed lookout peeped over the tree-tops. "It's Rosemont my own Rosemont! The view's been opened by cutting the woods off that hill this side of it. Come!"

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