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Brilliant green parrots screamed in the tree tops and tiny sun-birds dressed in garments of red and gold and purple, flashed across the trail like living jewels. Once we heard a strange whirr and saw a huge hornbill flapping heavily over the river, every beat of his stiff wing feathers sounding like the motor of an aëroplane.

A sunbeam came through the shutterless window of the house and writhed and quivered on the wall as if it were a live thing. She read a warning in this, and in the color of the sun, that was red, like blood, and in the whirr of the grasshoppers, that was sinister and threatening. The creeks had dried, and their slimy beds crept along the willows like sluggish snakes.

All together, too; none of those chivalrous magnanimities which one reads so much about one courtly rascal at a time, and the rest standing by to see fair play. No, they came in a body, they came with a whirr and a rush, they came like a volley from a battery; came with heads low down, plumes streaming out behind, lances advanced at a level.

Then there was a loud whirr of wheels, a buzz of internal mechanism, and all the little figures would stop dead with arms outstretched, whilst the beheaded doll rolled off the board and was lost to view, no doubt preparatory to going through the same gruesome pantomime again.

Langton ducked back. A plane on the other side was deliberately flying up the train, machine-gunning. "Down, padre, for God's sake!" he exclaimed, and threw himself on the floor. Peter couldn't move. He heard the splintering of glass and a rending of woodwork, some oaths, and a sudden cry. The whirr of an engine filled his ears and seemed, as it were, on top of them.

Her questions wound old Patton up as though he had been a disused clock. He began to feel a whirr among his creaking wheels, a shaking of all his rusty mind. "Perhaps they do, miss," he said, and his wife saw that he was beginning to tremble. "I dessay they do I don't say nothink agen it though theer's none of it cooms my way. But that isn't all the rights on it nayther no, that it ain't.

Dear jolly old bells, what an influence they have upon life. How bravely they whirr at the arrival of a dear expected how madly they riot to the tune Wedding how sadly they toll when the last of us is borne away. Mrs. Walton, the landlady, came into the room and said "Yes." "I am going now," said Richard. "We shall be sorry to lose you." "And I to go. Many thanks, Mrs. Walton."

Speech hath no utterance of surpassing fear, Tragedy holds no misery or woe, But our divinest essence soon shall taste. Ath. Alas, how dire a prelude to thy tale! Zeus. O brood maleficent, teemed from Earth's dark womb! And thou, Prometheus, how hast thou wrought me woe! Ath. Possess us; are not we thine own familiars? Zeus. With a whirr and a crash Let the levin-bolt dash Ah, whither? Hera.

So still was it in the big circus tent after the band stopped playing, while Joe prepared to do his head slide, that the whirr of the steel wheels in his leather cap could plainly be heard as he slid down the wire. And as Helen and the others watched, the intention of the daring young performer became evident.

Standing thus, I was like to lose my own, for suddenly I heard a whirr like that of a shrapnel shell on its murderous errand, and at my feet fell a projectile. I saw that it was a breadfruit and that I was under the greatest tree of that variety I had ever seen, a hundred feet high and spreading like a giant oak.