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It was considered so bold an achievement that its fame spread far and wide. The Spaniards began to tremble at the prowess of a Prince whom they had affected to despise. The very fact of the passage was flatly contradicted. An unfortunate burgher at Amsterdam was scourged at the whipping-post, because he mentioned it as matter of common report.

It was famous, too, for the pillory, a wise old institution, that inflicted a punishment of which no one could foresee the extent; also, for the whipping-post, another dear old institution, very humanising and softening to behold in action; also, for extensive transactions in blood-money, another fragment of ancestral wisdom, systematically leading to the most frightful mercenary crimes that could be committed under Heaven.

Behave yourself, and be an honor to your good parents that I think so much of. Oblige me, now!" As they turned to cross the middle of the square, Clayton said: "I'll have him at that whipping-post, hugging of it, one of these days." "What is he?" "A kidnapper down here in Sockum, and a bad one: a dangerous fellow, too.

Cobb, he ordered him to go to the whipping-post, and when he asked what he had done he was knocked down, and afterwards put to the post and thirty-nine lashes were administered, and failed seeing his sweetheart as well.

Instead of slaves we see men and women and children. The wand of progress touches the auction-block, the slave-pen, the whipping-post, and we see homes and firesides and school-houses and books, and where all was want, and crime and cruelty, and fear we see the faces of the free. These heroes are dead. They died for liberty they died for us. They are at rest.

It was a little after seven o'clock, and as he approached the singular piece of wood-work that we have described in a previous chapter as the Charleston Whipping-post, he saw a crowd collected around it, and negroes running to the scene, crying out, "Buckra gwine to get whip! buckra get 'e back scratch!" &c. &c.

A mongrel, I suppose, that makes; and yet it is well to have good blood in one's veins, even on the father's side." There was a sneering emphasis in her words, and the snaky black eyes gleamed like daggers on the baronet. But that proud face was set and rigid as stone now. He returned her look with a haughty stare. "It is a pity the whipping-post has been abolished," he said, harshly.

Run, if thou wouldst avoid the whipping-post!" cried another of the rout of servitors, with a small sniggering laugh. So, putting out a hand to stay myself, I staggered weakly after my master. I found him at the door, in talk with the confessor of the Bishop. "And so," he was saying, "this girl was reared in the executioner's house.

Let not your leaders expect the honorable scaffolds of Counts Egmont and Horn. The whipping-post and then the gibbet will be their certain fate." Having by this and similar language, upon various occasions, sought to impress upon his countrymen the gravity of the position, he led them to seek the remedy in audacity and in union.

Inability to comprehend and believe certain religious dogmas was a crime to be expiated by death, or confiscation of estate, or lingering imprisonment. Petty offences against property furnished subjects for the hangman. The stocks and the whipping-post stood by the side of the meeting-house. Tongues were bored with redhot irons and ears shorn off.